UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Is it confirmed that results are going to be this Friday?


All but

Good luck everyone.


Hi! im new to college confidential and this isn’t related to alumni scholarship but I was wondering if you knew anything about the correlation of UCI regents recipients and admission to UCLA? I also received both alumni scholarship emails so I’m just trying to see if there’s any more hope for me before decision day

Uncorrelated. I personally know folks that got denied from UCI, UCSB, UCLA and got into Cal. If you got into UCI with regents you at least know you are in the upper pool of candidates for UCI. Can’t really translate to UCLA.


Anyone know the acceptance rate for mechanical engineering for ucla?

9% last year

Sushiritto, I have read your posts in the Michigan and UCLA post as my OOS son has applied to both and they are his top choices. They have been extremely helpful. For background he has been deferred by Michigan with a 1510 (800m) and a 4.62 weighted (3.78 UW) with 7 APs and quality ECs and essay. He is obviously concerned given volume of applications, being postponed at UM and now the fact that UCLA will not use his 1510 as part of their review. He did receive the two emails asking him to apply for the UCLA scholarships. I have a few questions for you 1) if he did not apply for the scholarships can that hurt his chances ( I do understand that it’s the alumni association not the admissions/university offering the scholarships. 2) Do they use sats for the scholarship evaluation and 3) is there a decent correlation in being asked to apply for the scholarships and acceptance by admissions? Thanks
A concerned Dad

I assume your questions are about UCLA and not Michigan, so I should let @10s4life definitively answer them. He’s the expert here for UCLA.

But from what I’ve read of his posts is that the answer to #1 is, no, his chances will not be hurt by not applying for the Alumni Scholarship. I don’t know the answer to #2. For #3, there is correlation, but not causation. The fact that he or anyone was chosen for the 1st Alumni Scholarship email signifies a slightly increased chance of admission, but certainly no guarantees of admission.

When @10s4life gets a chance in his busy life, he can confirm or correct me. And answer #2. Or maybe @Gumbymom knows this info too.

UCLA will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admissions decisions or awarding Regents and Chancellor’s scholarships for other scholarships, that will depend on the requirements. For the Alumni scholarship @10s4life can answer that but I believe it is also a no that test scores are not a consideration. If a student chooses to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used to determine your eligibility for the California statewide admissions guarantee, as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll.

Regarding admission chances, only Regents is pretty much a guarantee.


@davidzales Stressful time for sure but hang in there. @sushiritto and @Gumbymom are correct. As for #2 test scores were not a factor for that. The alumni association is following school policy not to use test scores.


Hey @10s4life! Cruised to your side of town to say hi and see the release date - March 19th! Wow. Someone posted a guidance counselor letter that said USC was March 30th this year. Still having a hard time believing that as we usually put them out around 24th if not earlier and closer to UCLA result timeframe…still hoping ours is long before the 30th - that’s too long to wait!

Good luck to all Bruin hopefuls!


I tried to pose this question on the UCLA CO 2024, but looks like it is locked. My D21 applied to 4 UC’s (UCI, UCSD, UCLA, UCB). She got admitted early to UCI and waiting to hear on the rest. I’m curious if anyone here has insight if being admitted early will mean she will also have a better chance at acceptance at the other UC’s she applied to?

There may be some positive correlation, but nothing definitive, as all UCs do their admissions process separately

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Other than knowing she is a competitive applicant, each campus is a separate entitiy and will review her application based on their own criteria. No way to predict but congratulations on the UCI acceptance.

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I would agree. It means she is a competitive candidate but it depends on her major and what the university is looking for.

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Hi! I don’t know if this has been asked already but does it show “Application Received” on the portal for all of you?

My Berkeley portal shows under review but UCLA shows just received. Does this mean anything negative? Especially when it is so close to the decision day? :((

My D’s says the same “Application Received” :slight_smile:

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Mine stated Application Received as well. Is there any stated applied major under the applicant’s e-mail address in UCLA admission portal?

Mine stated Application Received as well. Do you have any stated applied major under the applicant’s e-mail address in UCLA admission portal?