UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

No nothing at all - just name address and received status. Looks very generic!

same for me, no stated major!

Oh Ok, thank you for reply!

Oh Ok, I see, thank you for reply!

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  1. I know few of my D’s classmates who got UCB and UCLA Regent’s scholarship have almost perfect GPA. I didn’t think you have to apply for scholarship? You do need to apply for financial aids.

for regents I think there was an extra application for it for UCLA

Yes, UCLA has a separate application for Regents and UCB does an interview. The other UCs award Regents based on your UC application.

Might someone know historically the time of day decisions are released? Or is it rolling through out a day?

5pm PST i think


Is the decision coming out this Friday from what I’m reading here or 04/01/21? The Daily Bruin says that decision will be released by 04/01/21. Does that mean it CAN be released earlier?

@FullSquishy That’s just the absolute last date for decisions to come out for the UC system. They can’t officially tell the date until its released by the university. But it will be Friday 3/19 at around 5PM pst


Does anyone know how competitive environmental science is?

Hi everyone!!! Current UCLA freshman here. I am putting off studying for finals, so I decided to walk down memory lane and look at the CC thread for this year’s applicants. I remember checking it religiously around this time last year. I was SO nervous, as I’m sure you all are!!!

I wanted to pop in and say a few things that I wish I knew when I was in your position. For starters, I wouldn’t worry too much about the alumni scholarship invites. I personally received an invitation and was admitted, but I know someone who didn’t receive an invitation and was admitted, and I know someone who received an invitation but was denied. I don’t know if there’s some sort of correlation but it didn’t seem like there was much of one to me.

Now, I’m going to tell you all something that you’ve heard a lot of but need to hear again. Each and every one of you will end up at the school you belong at. You’ve all put your best effort into your high school grades, extracurriculars, and college applications. It is out of your hands now. Remember that UCLA is the most applied to university in the world by a landslide. If you don’t get in, it is not a reflection of you, but more a reflection of the absurdly high number of applicants this year.

Also…ENJOY these next few weeks of not knowing what school you are going to end up at. There’s something so exciting about the unknown and once you commit to college, all the excitement and suspense is gone. For better or for worse, you’ll never go through something quite like undergraduate college applications, so take it in stride!!

And to the future bruins…UCLA truly is as wonderful as it seems. There is no campus nearly as beautiful UCLA and no place as cute as Westwood Village. All of the students here are so genuinely happy and proud to be Bruins. There’s a reason it’s the most applied to university in the world.

Feel free to private message me with ANY questions before or after decisions come out. Happy to help out and alleviate your stress any way I can :blush:

Best of luck, guys!!! I’m rooting for you all.


@cowboysfan2001 Hey man welcome back! Couldn’t have said it better myself. Seems like yesterday u were on the 2024 threads. Glad to hear everything’s going well.


If it’s at the college, then as competitive as every other college major, because ucla evaluates all L&S prospective majors in one pool

Is it possible to get into ucla without amazing stats? And does someone from say the east coast have a better shot of getting in for geographic diversity?

Sure, If you are an athletic recruit or have some unique/special talent the fills a niche for UCLA then yes but Geographic diversity alone would not make up for having less than stellar stats, essays etc… Care to share your less than amazing stats?

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Loved your message, the true bruins spirit! As a bruin alum myself, I couldn’t agree more, go go go Bruin!


Hi, i’m applying as an OOS and I’m concerned about the uc gpa calculation since i go to a selective stem governor’s school where courses are weighted as 5.0 credit at my high school, but the uc gpa calculation does not count these as honors courses since i am OOS.

will ucla take into consideration these governor’s school classes since I explained them in the comments section? I am concerned because my UC gpa without these courses is a 4.41 which is below the 25th percentile, however nearly all the courses I took 10th-11th grade are weighted AP/Gov School courses.

these courses are taught above the AP level btw