UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

They will evaluate you in the context of your school.

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I thought UCLA had a cap when they recalculate your GPA.

The consider your 3 GPAs—unweighted, capped weighted, uncapped weighted.

Thanks for the info. My understanding was the Capped Weighted GPA was the one they used for comparison purposes.

@LDL They will know your enhanced rigor (which is part of the review criteria) but your gpa won’t count those courses. UCLA considers 3 gpas:

  1. Unweighted using all A-G courses
  2. Capped weighted using all A-G courses with a max of 8 extra points for AP courses and UC approved honors
  3. Uncapped weighted using all A-G courses with unlimited extra points for AP courses and UC approved honors.

Non uc honors courses will not apply for the gpa bump in 2 and 3. They will look at you from the context of your schools current applicants and past applicants.

The unweighted and uncapped weighted gpas have the most bearing in the gpa section


So are they still doing an internal recalc of all 3 GPAs?

That would be correct. I wouldn’t worry too much tho. Not much to do now.

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Agree. Just curious. Thanks for your help.

Is UCLA the only UC to consider those 3 GPA’s? I have never heard of any UC’s calculating this way!

@Luckygal23 cal does too. The other UCs use the first two. UCSD may use the third one but it’s slipping my mind. @lkg4answers may know it

do you think i should be fine as long as i explained my circumstance and what gov school is on my uc app?

@VArachel yes

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Thanks. I’m a little worried since my daughter was rejected from SB and UCI. She had a few B’s in tenth grade and has been pretty much all A’s since. She has taken 10 AP’s. I’m worried how SD Berkeley & LA will look at her GPA! Would appreciate any feedback.

It’s too tough to tell. My best advice is to calculate this gpas using an online calculator and see where she falls in the admitted student range. The higher she is to the 99th percentile the better the odds

Does anyone know how UCLA evaluates an applicant to the Education and Social Transformation major? It’s a fairly new major (started in 2018 or 2019) and I’m not sure if it’s looked at in College of Letters and Sciences or School of Education.
Any insight appreciated

is the consensus next Friday 3/26 is the release date?

No, this Friday the 19th


That day is speculation based on last year. On the UCLA admissions site it’s by April 1st. People speculated about Davis and SD and that was completely wrong. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the rest of the UC dates next week.

Earlier on in this thread, an Alumni Scholarship reader had stated the 19th because they read Alumni Scholarship Applications after decisions are released and this year, the scholarship applications are being read (as published by the UCLA Alum Asso) on the 20th and 21st.


My son has the same…a few Bs in sophomore year and all As ever since. He took 10-12 AP classes but because he got a few Bs, his UC GPA isn’t stellar (his junior year gpa was stellar!). This year is just brutal for getting into a UC (my son won’t go to Merced or Riverside btw). He’s been WL at UCSC, denied from UCSB and UCI. CS major :pleading_face: