UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Grade reporting discrepencies (trimester, quarters, final grades only) make it impossible to do 12th grade would only be the first half and for students where they only get year end grades, would be at a disadvantage. 9th grade isnt used because it was shown that students from disadvantaged communities typically do worse in 9th grade, not catching up until 10th due to lack of resources in earlier schooling years. that is what i have heard from admissions.


Question on UC Capped GPA. If a student takes all 7 AP classes in his junior year, normally he gets only 8 extra points (4 x 2). Last year, almost everybody gets Pass/No Pass in the Spring semester. Will he get all 7 extras point from the Fall Semester?

BTW, I think taking college level class in high school is not good for the student. There is something wrong with the current system.

@legojedi Someone could front load all of their “extra grade” points at the beginning of the year. When I was an applicant i had taken enough APs as a sophomore to use all 8 extra points. All that matters is the overall cap. I would argue an AP class is not really the equivalent of a college class. Some teachers may be rigorous enough but the AP curriculum really is more of a high school plus than college lite.

How are community college classes weighted?

FYI, from their website, “For 10th grade, you cannot use more than 4 honors points.”


Friday is so soon, and I’m absolutely terrified.


supplemental questionnaire? I don’t have that. I that bad?

CC classes are weighted same as AP’s in the GPA.

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I read through the UC application quite thoroughly. My understanding is the UC Capped GPA is 8 AP classes or 16 extras points. 8 points as Sophomore and 8 points as Junior. One year of AP class get two points, one point in each semester. Hence, you cannot really receive all capped points in your Sophomore year.

There is also a UC Capped GPA abnormally. Say 3 students taking AP classes only. Student A takes 5 APs, student B takes 6 APs, student C takes 7 APs. All of them get straight As!!! Student A has a higher UC Capped GPA than Student B, who has a higher UC Capped GPA than student C!!! This all become a number game.

UC capped is 8 semesters. Only 4 can be from 10th grade. See here:


What?!? :crazy_face: omgeeee i feel so uneducated trying to understand all this for my current sophomore. You are right this is all looking like a numbers game to me the more I read posts.
Is my sophmore best to take simply all honors when possible and do very well during junior year instead of any AP during this post covid environment?

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California approved honor class is treated as AP. Get extra point.

This is a brand new major. I think it was introduced last year. No one really knows much about it. It looks like candidates are evaluated separately by the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. It is separate from the College of Letters and Sciences.

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@10s4life I hope so. thx.

jntwinmama, I read through the url, you are right.

The web site says a student can only get 4 points each year, which is 2 AP classes only. So, 2 AP classes in Sophomore and 2 AP classes in Junior will the get the extra points. 8 points total.

Pro tip: just make sure that the honors class is indeed an honors class that UC gives weighting to. For whatever reason at our HS, there is an “ELA Honors” 9 and 10, along with biology honors, that my son was put in and it ended up not being given the extra weight either for HS GPA or UC GPA. I don’t know if this is something unique to our school, but boy were we surprised to learn that 4 classes our son took as “honors” between 9-10th grade were given no extra weighting. Sure, it shows he took highest rigor but in this environment, those 4 extra weighting points would have made a huge difference in his fully WGPA.

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@jntwinmama @legojedi thanks i stand corrected. I had a feeling something was off but tough to fact check in the middle of the workday.

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Good tip. One can look up the weighted courses at their CA high school here. Weighted Courses at Your High School

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You can go online and look up your high school and it will tell you what classes UC will give you the grade bump. Some honors classes don’t count, but if you can handle the class and get an A you should still take the honors class vs. the regular level class because it shows rigor.


Yes! Found that when it was way too late. :grinning:Nobody advised us to check into those in 9th grade. Large public school with very little counseling support!

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