UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Super unique stuff! She seems like the real deal. Probably a good chance but this year everything’s out of wack :man_shrugging:


Woah, that’s pretty crazy to see the staff account there. I guess they only really say something when it’s needed. I think it’s interesting to imagine a UCLA AO just skimming here a little.

10s4life, this is a well put answer - and you provide a solid explanation for why there is no specific time stated in advance.

Regarding when students check for their decision, you are right; my daughter will be one of those waiting for the email. She is excited, but not desperate. It is her Dad (me) who is the one checking these threads for information :slightly_smiling_face:


I can relate to that as well.


I check here and tell my kids and they spread the word on Discord. Most kids don’t do anything until they get the email it seems.

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Your poor kid. Hope they don’t see you spiraling while THEY wait for THEIR acceptance. Wow…

Thanks. She wants this so much.

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If you didn’t get that what does that mean? Do I not have any chance?

I know UVA does. The AO answers people’s questions quite often on the UVA board. I thought she got really tired when people repeatedly asked the same questions like when was the decision released though lol


Oh they do lol. Now that I’m a graduate I have more freedom on what I can say and speculate on.


What an interesting thing to think about.

We go to a school that’s an absolute meat grinder. Apparently they tell the kids that the UC’s “hate our school” so UCLA is a dream for my child. but she’s worried and she wasn’t asked for supplements nor LOC’s which she has very good from her job and her teachers that she is close to. They don’t accept ACT which she did 36 in 9th grade. So how do they choose? Does this mean we really will be rejected tomorrow so don’t hold out hope?

They don’t ask most people for the supplement/letter of rec. It is just for special circumstances.

oh good. I thought it was if they are very interested in a child they ask. The basic essays are so short it’s really hard to get a full picture of these kids and in our case, our college counselor met with her once, always had her door closed, did nothing for the kids, and then quit the school all of a sudden so something happened with the school i think so she never engaged with any of those kids. so how can that person write a counselor report that is actually true to the children’s character?

Anyway, its so hard for the AO’s they are so overstretched this year.

The UCs don’t look at individualized counselor reports for each applicant. They just use a generalized school report for schools they don’t know well.

Did anyone apply as an Econ major??!!

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With 139500 application, the AOs are overwhelmed.

“Ain’t nobody got time for that!”, Ms. Sweet Brown.


Did anyone apply for the theatre major? Does not getting an interview mean you will not be admitted?

I applied for theatre, I know it said it’s possible to get admitted without an interview but I don’t know how likely it is, I didn’t get one either