UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Your whole application will be considered so just saying your GPA is not up to par, it is difficult to determine. UCLA is a Reach for all applicants with a 14.3% overall acceptance rate so that is how you should base your chances.

Edited acceptance rate based on the UC Website: 14.4% or UCOP is 14.3%.

Sorry for TYPO.

Thanks Gumbymom, so UW, Capped, & W are all 10-11th grades only. I thought it is only UC Capped.

Somebody posted an image of a rejection letter on Reddit from March 2019 that stated that there were over 111,000 applicants for less than 6,000 spots. This is around a 5% acceptance rate, which isn’t consistent with this data: https://admission.ucla.edu/apply/freshman/freshman-profile/2019. Do you know what that’s about?

No reason to talk about all this capped stuff. IT WILL GO FASTER IF YOU GO TAKE A NAP OR DO HOMEWORK OR EXCERSIZe, sitting here is like looking at a clock.


At my S21’s school, they take 8 classes a year (4 each semester) and they can all be A-G so that definitely lowers the uncapped GPA (thanks to that darn denominator). I think at least public CA Universities are aware of CA high schools and how their schedules work (ie some are full year 7 classes/year, some are semester based, 8 classes a year). From reading other forums here on CC, there are students who take dual-enrollment courses over the summer (some take 3 or more per summer).

Acceptances are usually offered for almost double the available spots. Every university tends to fine tune this value according to their yield.

6,000 enrolled versus 15,000-ish accepted spots. 40% ish yield


everyone go eat lunch or go eat a snack or go for a walk outside go pet ur dogs go bake a cake go make a milk shake go on tik tok play roblox do something to ease the pain of waiting LOL


Everything on there but Tiktok. LOL

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US News & WR says UCLA acceptance rate is 14%.
Our HS was 28 out of 152 in 2020, which is 18%.

No all three UC GPA’s are 10-11th grades.

14% acceptance rate is correct from the 2020-2021 CDS, but 2020-2021 is generally thought of as anomaly year, since fewer OOS and International applicants enrolled due to Covid shutdowns.

UCLA tracks the number of honor courses that you take in years 10-12. See statistics posted in post #1302. 27% of applicants with 22+ honors courses were accepted compared to 9% of students with 11-21 classes. So taking fewer classes to boost your capped GPA is not a good strategy.

“Honors Courses included in the totals below are taken in grades 10–12 and are counted by semester, which means a year-long high school honors course would count as two. A single-semester course would count as one.”

Congrats to everyone on making it this far. Big accomplishment in itself.

Honestly not really expecting anything to come out of this, I know I’ll end up where I need to be (as will all of you).


That 14% rate was from 2020. In the previous year it was ~ 12%; the difference was that COVID had an adverse effect on all colleges AR. There were Ivy-type schools that were drawing considerably from their waitlists. Since UCLA > its applications from ~ 108k in 2020, to ~ 139k, that might be as sushiritto stated about 15k acceptances / 139k apps = 10.8%. And individual high schools will have higher acceptance rates bc they are top-tier. We’ll just have to see when the final numbers come in and how the various factors play into AR, yield, etc.


Ah, that makes sense. I wasn’t reading carefully. Thank you!

Such an important piece of advice and I echo it wholeheartedly. I came to the USA as an international student, went to a small private liberal arts school on a partial scholarship and a lot of minimum wage, on campus jobs (3 to be exact) to pay for college, then went to grad school (again at a good school, but not name brand) but have done well in life and in my career through a lot of hard work for the opportunities I want, utilizing all the opportunities I had in undergrad which set me up well for grad school and sometimes being in the right place at the right time. I took time off to be a mom and for other reasons a couple of times in my career, but continued to learn and got back to work and my career continued to take off, so you have the power to make your life/career what you want it to be. Good luck to everyone today, and whether it is a rainbow at the end of the day, or a dark cloud, 10 years from now, you will look back and realize you did ok.


TYPO: 14.3% based on the UCOP data.

Hey everyone I have a quick question,
I filled out my regular UC application and was also required to do a supplemental application for my major (dance).
Does anyone know if I’ll get two decisions (one from UCLA and the dance department) or just one that sums up the both of them? I haven’t seen anyone talk about this and I’m super nervous!
GOODLUCK to all of us future BRUINS!