UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

Regents candidates were notified a few weeks ago and asked to apply for the scholarship. If your daughter applied and was awarded the scholarship, it should be visible today. Last year students had to hunt for it and those that didn’t receive it only found out from a letter in the mail several days later.

My son got in and didn’t get an email either :slight_smile:


No applying for a professional school (TFT, Arts and Arch, Nursing, Engr) means you do not get considered for L&S.

UCLA only considers your first choice major.

Email will come tomorrow. So they dont overload their systems with people checking.

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Did he get into any other schools?

I see! Thank you for telling me. I’m just really scared lol

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My daughter did not get in to UCLA, UCSB and waitlisted UCSD - she did received the early UCLA alumni invitation and applied for the scholarship. She did get into UCR with honors as well as all of the privatse and received top scholarships ( Chapman, Oxy, Cal Lu, Redlands, and waiting on more)
4.4 GPA with AP and honors, varsity sports, ASB and TONs of extracurricular - these kids work so hard and just never understand why they get denied. They see their classmates with less involvement and lower GPAs get in while they do not. - I share this because a lot of you are getting denied and know you are not alone. You are
extremely successful kids in the same boat. Feel proud of what you have accomplished and know there are other opportunities out there.


Oh maybe that’s why! Thank you for clarifying!

did anyone get in for nursing? super curious

@jntwinmama Yup! That’s his fave UC but who would turn down UCLA if they got in? I would’ve made him think long and hard on that.

Congrats to all the kids who got in!! Think about how your apps must have stood out among 139k apps!! Incredible. As a parent of a WL’d kid, I’m incredibly happy for all the kids who got in!!


I got no email either but was accepted


Hi everyone, congrats if you got admitted! You will not get an email until tomorrow!


Thanks for the nice words! I didn’t get in but just wanted to share that there’s always a second chance to go to your dream school, graduate school or transfer. And aiming for this second chance is a motivator and you’ll keep going and improving. Although, chances are, you don’t need second chance; you’ll fall in love with the school you end up with.
The UCLA rejection letter is the best among all those I received (yes, no kidding. I got way too many of those this year). So well-written!

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Does nursing ever accept people from the waitlist?

I cannot believe it. Just got accepted for CS. I’M GOING TO BE A BRUIN!!!



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Well said!


this is so exciting

You need to create a UCLA logon ID (see next steps and Admitted Student Checklist), then log on to see the PAL