UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion


Can’t recall. But I don’t think so off the top of my head.

Thank you so much I still can’t believe it

Congrats CS has a single digit acceptance rate. You should be very proud.

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Was there anyone for regents yet?


Son got accepted to L&S Biophysics major (a surprise, as we thought that L&S don’t admit to major)


Thank you for this information. He was told on a school tour specifically that because TFT was so competitive they would specifically consider a second choice major in the College of Letters and Science. He’s so heartbroken. 4.5 GPA 17 Honors and APs with 5s and 4s. Should we appeal??

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omg accepted to all 6 UCs so far I can’t believe it UCLA was my top choice😭


I was waitlisted to UCSC, UCSB, and UCSD for CS and got accepted to UCLA. Keep your heads up everyone, this was a very strange and extremely competitive year. Good luck with the rest of your decisions everyone!


My dd in-state rejected civil engineering. Accepted UCI, UCSD, UCD, SLO, SDSU. I’m a Bruin so I was secretly hoping but she’s got great options. Congrats to fellow new bruins! For those not accepted, you will bloom where you are planted!


Yes! Every school he’s applied to so far. UC Irvine, UCSD, Chapman Film School. UCLA was his top choice school by far and he would’ve been happy to attend as an English major with a potential to transfer to TFT junior year.

did anyone get regents

Rejected! But its okay :slight_smile: Just wanted to update for any future applicants, I received both alumni scholarship emails, was OOS, and ultimately rejected. Good luck future applicants! <3


Congrats to your son! He is actually not in the major yet. That is a placeholder until he meets the prerequisites. But all the acceptance letters will have the selected major on there.

There are specific grounds to appeal. Feel free to shoot me a PM or post on the appeal discussion thread in the ucla forum.


My son turned down by UCLA, Davis and SB, waitlisted at SD, UCI and SC. Wants computer science or math. 3.67 GPA unweighted, 4.37 weighted (4.52 in grades 10-12), 17 AP and Honors classes, two computer courses at Stanford Summer Session, several AP exams with good scores, essays were pretty good (reviewed by professional college coach), some interesting extra-cur activities. He is bummed of course. Will probably have to go to a community college.


I am an accepted OOS student but received $0 in aid/scholarships. I know that the UC’s don’t give out much aid to OOS students but I was wondering if there are any scholarships that people recommend I apply to?! Any advice?

It was the 3.67 UW for CS. the median cs gpa for ucla is a 4.0. Even a 3.9X is in the 25th percentile. Community college is a great option if he wants to go to a UC eventually


So I got WL and will be accepting a spot. It asks for my grades an any relevant additional information. What exactly would this additional information be, if I were to submit it? Is it a letter of continued interest basically?

Outside scholarships likely won’t cover anywhere close to tuition. Even the ucla alumni scholarships won’t cover a year’s worth of housing. I would have serious discussions with your parents about financing your education. Even a school like UCLA is not worth going into a mountain of debt. And most of that debt is parents since the larger loans are parent plus loans which are taken out in their name. Congrats on getting admitted though!