UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

accepted for human bio, I cant believe it ahhhhh!! does anyone know how to check the regents scholarship?



was there an application for regents?

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Thanks! I’ve lurked for awhile but decided it’s silly not to join the conversation. Very pleased to find out that my son was accepted to UCLA earlier this evening—so yay! :grinning: I guess I can stick around. :grimacing:


Accepted! After my JHU rejection I was really feeling discouraged, but this is good news! Congrats to all accepted! And to those rejected, you may be in the same situation I am with JHU, and find another school for you!

Not decided with UCLA. Still have 15 more decisions to open!


S21 OOS Accepted to College of Letters & Science Undeclared
No idea on UC GPA
National Merit Finalist
11/450 in his class
2 Varsity Sports
Decent EC’s and essays
4.0 unweighted/4.3 W (without spring grades due to COVID)

Really in shock right now. We were focused on smaller schools for him to play baseball and this week he got into UCSB and UCLA and we have never been before to either. Best of luck to all


Daughter accepted. Has had a good week with UC school admissions decisions.

BTW, she received email from UCLA around 6 pm PST. We are OOS.


yeah, in feb an email was sent out as an invitation to apply

got the alumni email, OOS waitlisted! got my hopes up a little, but still thankful i was waitlisted and not rejected

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my advice to future applicants who come across this thread: if you’re given the supplemental questionnaire, TRY YOUR BEST ON IT! I’m convinced that’s what got me accepted :slight_smile:


I was waitlisted. International india

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Hi guys! This might be a random question but when you go to online events, what events do you see? I got one about the LGBTQ community(maybe because I wrote about my identity in one of the essays) and an out-of-state student panel. Are they personalized based on your interests?

So if we opt for the waitlist option, do we only update on grades? That’s what the sample shows. Doing ib course so subjects are the same across both semesters of senior year and my grades are still the same as when I applied. My question is what else can one write about in the box? Any other updates? Also any word limit?

same here! exactly!

My daughter was just accepted OOS psychobiology. We’re speechlessly beyond happy. UCLA was her dream school.

We had kind of lost hope after she was rejected by UCSB earlier in the week. So I guess it really is true there just isn’t a way to reliably predict how the UCs will decide.

She did it on her own, no special tutors, counselors, or anyone else helping her. She barely even let me read her application! Just a lot of hard work and self-discipline.


Waitlisted OOS.
Accepted at UCSB, UCD, UCSD, UofWI, UofIL, Northeastern, College of Charleston, Miami of OH
Denied at Vanderbilt
Waiting on Northwestern, U of Miami, William and Mary, Berkeley.


I don’t think 2020-2021 is the best year to look at WL data since that year lots of kids opted to take gap years or stay close to home. That was a funky year for WL.


I think my son was waitlisted, but not sure. Seemed more like they were asking if he might be interested in being on the list. Whatever, he’s in at UCI, UCSB, UCSD for CS and UW Engineering undeclared, waitlisted Georgia Tech. He knows CS is a difficult get almost anywhere. He is 3rd in class of 400 at okay Silicon Valley Public. CS through L&S at UCB is his best bet for an elite program. We’ll see next week. I know all these other programs are also great opportunities. Glad he’s always set a high bar.

DD accepted UCLA, SD, Irvine; waitlisted SB; awaiting Berkley. OOS, Biology


congrats! my son also got into CSE! go bruins!