UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion


Got accepted Pre-human biology & society OOS! After JHU rejection, I was scared but happy to know everything works out. Good luck to everyone!


Accepted for biochem!


If he’s waitlisted, you should see a place to accept or decline the waitlist offer at the bottom of the letter.

Thank you! SLO is awesome and a fantastic option!

SLO was her top pick until today. She doesn’t know what do to now. Her brother goes to SLO for ME and loves it. Ugg.

Can anyone confirm a regents scholarship, I’m assuming if it’s not on the PAL it won’t be coming but I haven’t heard of anyone getting it. I guess that’s not surprising considering that it’s only 1%, but if someone could confirm that they did get it I could stop worrying about whether or not I did.

Congrats to everyone who got in! Question: is there a deadline for accepting the waitlist? My student hasn’t checked the portal yet bc of an upcoming event this weekend and doesn’t want to be dealing with any rejection until after this event.

April 15th

DS21 rejected. Guess we will not have another Bruin in the family. Now rejected from UCI, UCSB, UCSD, and UCLA. I am so sad that this kid with such a brilliant mind cannot get in to any UC. :cry:
He shared Elon Musk’s quote about going to college (Elon Musk Says College Isn't for Learning, Not Required at Tesla). He has always been an intense self-learner and very bored with school. I’m hoping he will still go one day.

Congratulations to those who got in. Good luck to those of you on the waitlist.


I got accepted as an English major!


Given the results so far, I’m sure Berk will deny him. I thought he had a pretty solid application, but no acceptance from six UC campuses so far. I had no idea the UC system was this competitive.

Median of 4.0? I thought the max possible UW is 4.0, all As.

I got accepted for my second majors. My first choice was CS and second EE. I got in for EE. In state

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Daughter was accepted to UCLA!!

She has had a great run with the UCs! Early admit to Berkeley last month, UCSB chancellors, UC Davis, UCSD.

It’s been stressful but she got great results. Go Bruins :blue_heart::yellow_heart::bear:


Yes that is correct. The median for CS is a perfect 4.0 UW.

Yay the suspense is over. Congrats to her!

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The only time they consider the second choice major is when you are an exceptional applicant in one of the high demand majors (like CS) and while not quite good enough for the CS cut are better than most of the EE admits. It is very very rare it happens so its usually safe to say second choice major is not considered.


Thanks so much!! She was scared to check. Then we headed to Westwood to walk around campus. We met a few other new admits doing the same!

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Nice being local! The campus is amazing.

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It sure is! It was so different to see it empty and we actually noticed much more with no distractions.

My husband graduated in the mid 80s and I graduated in the late 80s. We typically go to basketball games on campus but not this year of course.

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