UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

@Gweetarpicker We are in the same boat. Still waiting for UCB next week but after 4 outright rejections I’m sure UCB will be no different. Good luck to your son.

I heard that Berkeley takes a more holistic approach but :woman_shrugging:t2:. Good luck to your son. My daughter admitted to UC Irvine but denied UCLA. Hoping for Berkeley. Also admitted to University of Michigan Honors which is also a great option. The UC’s are so competitive especially this year!

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Oh I never knew that. Thank you

Waitlisted and crushed. Accepted at UCSB and UCSD. Straight As and hardest classed.

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D21 Accepted. Accepted at UCI, UCSD. Waitlisted UCSB.
Psychology major.

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Guys how to check aid package

Mannn is there any hope for me at Berkeley? Got rejected from LA today :frowning:.

Sorry to hear that Gweetarpicker.
My D flat out rejected by UCLA for CS also. UCLA is her top choice. She has 3.90UW & 4.57W GPA. :cry:
I see other rejects with 4.95UW. Seems GPA is the main yardstick. Don’t matter how good your essays or ECs are! There is a still very very slim chance for Berkeley. May be just dreaming.

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First Rejection =(

Waitlisted: Cal poly (Architecture)

Accepted to CSU Fullerton, UCSB, UCI, UCR, and UCSD tho…but nothing close to my dream school UCLA.

All of which were civil engineering.

I forgot to implement a college level Geography course that I was going to take on Spring , don’t know if that was a reason to reject aside from my unbelievably low GPA XD.

UW: 3.67
W: 4.13
WC: 4.0

12 Honors classes (10 in a single year).

I also forgot to mention that I was going to take AP econ since AP gov was for a single semester. Perhaps they wanted me to take advantage of the opportunities available at my school?

Other than that, CONGRATULATIONS to those accepted. Best regards on your educational endeavors.

accepted 4.0 4.33 4.92 engineering

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rejected, international

stats can be found here:

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Are aid notifs out yet

Quick question. I I send a letter of continued interest will it be reviewed or do they only see the additional info on the waitlist form?

did anyone else not receive an email notifying a change in admission status? I got in but I’m worried I may be missing other important emails. The last email I got was a confirmation for the alumni scholarship.

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Same here. Seemed weird that they never emailed when decisions came out. Was worried I missed something too

good to know I’m not alone haha. were you able to access your FA?

Did anyone get their FA package? For me it says “Your Provisional Award Letter (PAL) is not available at this time.”

No but I figured out the issue. A couple questions were missing from my FAFSA. I went back to correct them, but the whole section don’t exist on my application apparently. Just jumps right from question 30 to 45. Gonna have to give them a call on Monday

April 15th by 11:59pm PST

That’s what mine says too

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