UCLA Class of 2025 Discussion

What drew him to UCLA and is he happy with his choice? We are facing the same decision- UCLA vs SLO.

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UCSD has their residential college system, UCSB has a rockin’ college town next door, UCLA has Westwood and the allure of LA. Wondering if it feels like UCLA campus clears out on weekends? Beaches for all! D22 definitely more drawn to big city.

My son really wanted UCLA, but was rejected.
3.98 UW GPA, 14 AP classes (lots of 5s) and 8 dual enrollment courses.

accepted math oos!


A couple of things:

  • After visiting SLO and UCLA a second time and walking around campus, it’s clear that UCLA’s campus is way more diverse. My son felt more comfortable at UCLA.

  • UCLA advertised it’s food as being #1 in the nation, and we found it to be true. Every single dorm cafeteria has excellent food. He was on campus for 2 quarters before COVID, and has really enjoyed the food there.

  • Of course on Bruin Day, UCLA has a lot of “selling points” including #1 public school, great athletics, great food, etc. but I think it was the overall vibe of the school, the fact that all freshmen live in close proximity “on the hill,” the potential for research opportunities, and the diverse student body turned out to be the major deciding factors for him (and for us).

Please keep in mind that we still think SLO is an awesome school, and we have several close friends who have sons and daughters who attend SLO. But our son loves UCLA and it was definitely the right choice for him! He started out majoring in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science but ended up changing to Environmental Science and has adjusted well. Looking forward to seeing him get back on campus hopefully this fall.

Best wishes on your decision!


This is great info. Thank you. My son is a freshman at SLO and we love the school and it is a perfect fit for him. We know so much more about SLO than UCLA so it’s natural to lean toward what you know. My mom went to UCLA and it was super competitive and she was miserable. Of course that was many moons ago and she was one of the few women in the math department. They didn’t have computer science back then! We will need to visit UCLA again and get to know the campus better. Thank you again for your insight.

Is anyone having trouble submitting the waitlist form? When my dd clicks on submit it just updates the date below but doesn’t say anything like “thanks for your submission” it still looks like it hasn’t been submitted.

I got in UCLA but didn’t receive any email. Should I be nervous about it.

Son rejected - we’re in state.

I think this hurts me more than it hurts him!

We discussed that he could do the UCLA TAP program thru CC, but he’s not interested and has other UCs/out of state schools to pick from. We’re still waiting for 3 more schools to release decisions. We’ll get stats up in appropriate threads once we get them all.

He did receive all alumni scholarship invite emails and wrote his essays.

I am a UCLA alum (grad school) and read for alumni scholarships - although this year I declined to volunteer.

Congrats to all those accepted.

Best of Luck to all those on the waitlist. There is so much movement in May as people get off waitlists. My oldest SIR’d to one and ended up somewhere else!

And to those who are still looking for their school. There are other ways to get to where you want - even if you don’t start out there as a freshmen (TAG or TAP thru a CC) Good Luck to you!!


me too!

My Daughter was put into the wait list. In the past, how many people can get off the wait list?

2020 Waitlist stats for UCLA:
Number of applicants waitlisted: 14470
Number of applicants opting in: 9254
Number of applicants admitted: 1787

Remember last year was the exception.

2019: 7,153 opt ins and 965 admitted


Son (OOS) was rejected for Design Media Arts major. HS GPA (unweighted): 3.94, Top 6% class rank. Test optional but lots of APs (test scores in 4s/5s), strong portfolio and essay, decent ECs. With only 1 in 9 acceptance rate (and guessing lower for his major), it’s understood that the competitiveness of UCLA was extreme. As an alum, was hoping he’d have a chance to attend as well, but it helped to get accepted to UCSD on the same day (he has some other options, too). Congrats to all future Bruins who were accepted!

Anyone know when regents notifications usually come out?

So - from 13%-19% range of getting in from waitlist off of past two years
Not bad odds

did all ucla admission results come out today??

Yeah they came out Friday evening

Do you think that this year’s waitlist stats will align with 2020 more so than with other years? After all, we’re still in the same situation.

Yes, that’s what it says for my son too. You’ll receive an email saying you accepted the waitlist. Also, it allows you to keep adding new info until the due date.

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I know a lot of people discussed the Alumni Scholarship and it’s correlation to acceptance. Just for future discussion purposes, I wanted to share that my son received both email invitations but was denied.

He’s not too bummed about it. He applied for CS and knew just how competitive it was. He’s received many great offers so all is well! Good luck to everyone wherever you may end up!