UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion

Got it, thanks!

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An AO at UC Berkeley supposedly said that admissions will possibly be released next week, sometime after May 11th. My guess is that UCLA’s first wave of waitlist admissions will be released the same day as Berkeley’s, or even after.


No wave Friday?

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Pretty sure there was a wave but I could be wrong

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there was a wave today?

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think they’re talking about there being a wave for engineering prior, unsure if this was confirmed

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For LS?

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I feel stupid for having hope at this point, everything points to ucla having high yield and not taking many off the wl


It’s highly dependent on yield and them processing that. No real set “waves” or dates. And not dependent on other school release dates.


I saw a webinar last night where the AO (not from a big public) said it took time to see which and how many categories they needed to pull in off the WL. It’s reasonable for that to take a work week at least and no pressure really on a desirable school like UCLA to worry about it’s competitors snapping up waitlisters.

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Which webinar? Because I thought LS doesn’t admit by major

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i’m sorry but what points to ucla having high yield? barely anything has come up yet lol. it’s just your mind thinking the worst.

It was a presenter from Case Western Reserve. Just mentioning because it might take more time than we would like for them to sort things out after 5/1.


The fact that no waitlist waves have been released even though the fact that past years have seen 1-2 waves by this time points to no waitlist movement and high yield imo


sadly, I agree with this. That said, reject us and let it be over.


yes, that’s definitely a possibility but as we’ve been saying for the past few days, they’re still reviewing applicants. people are going to get off but it’s probably a small number.


It’s possible that a wave has come out but we did not get notified


Like i think it is very possible that a really small wave was released this week


Anyways y’all’s, might as well move on right ? For all my engineering peers, what college have Yalls committed to? Maybe we can meet up lol to cheer things up and not feel to bad about going to our second/third choice schools

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is it normal that most ucs also haven’t released waitlist waves? i know this is new territory for ucla but i wonder if this is a mostly uc wide issue