UCLA Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion


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seems like it. i’m guessing the only ppl who will get off waitlists will be ppl with eccentric or less common majors

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Was she in state?

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Anyone heard back?

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Well if few ppl are getting off the waitlist, Ucla should just come out and tell us. It’s not that difficult to send out an unlikely letter. Has anyone talked to admissions?


To bring it to a closure, do the UCs typically send out a rejection letter to the WL folks? If so, by when?


The UC’s either post that the waitlist is closed meaning no more admits or they will send out an email indicating a rejection. Either way, all waitlisted students will be notified. Last year most of the waitlists did not close until July.



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Thank you.

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so this is interesting so far it has only been in state waitlisters who are getting off

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Has anyone heard anything?

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Not yet

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So no chance for us then ?

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Is anyone planning to call them today?


normally a lot more people get off for OOS and International so its just interesting

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Guys, just a theory
I think the stuff about UCLA and UCB waiting to get a green signal from state health department for housing could be correct. Since they don’t want to exceed the number of those admitted and thus posing problems. See, till now, all those who got off were instate, because they might be thinking that they would live in their homes and not on-campus, and none of the oos and intl got off, cuz they are guaranteed on-campus and ofc they will live there.
It seems to accurate to me, so just keep an eye out on the new health guidelines issued in California!


I read on reddit that some uc’s are doing Full housing so ucb and ucla should be the same right?

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What time in the day do they usually release waitlist decisions?

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I’ve heard from this thread that usually its in the morning


Wdym? I am talking abt the UCLA optional waitlist essay.

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