UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

It’s not designated days I think they just prioritize whatever types of students they need atm. Once they have enough OOS, they will move on to is and intl.


thank you! I am also waitlisted to ucla, anxious but hope there is some sort of a chance.

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@DadOfJerseyGirl My son was an in-state engineering waitlist admit in 2019.


That’s great to know. Thank you!

Bless you for posting! I was giving up hope on COE WL admissions, esp those in-state!

hopefully instate come out soon :pray:


Will OOS keep rolling in for the next few days? When can I expect to start losing hope?


Tbh, the best thing to do is to get excited about the school u have committed to and have the waitlist be a potential pleasant surprise later on.

But, you should just forget ab the WL after the first two week of May imo


will the public affairs major from the Luskin school of public affairs come out with L&S together?

Any movement today?

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what is the specific time of email
sent by AO?

She already mentioned that:

It is already 10 am pST no movement here. D22 eagerly waiting

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Same. Constantly refreshing the emails and checking this blog… my son is still waiting.

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okay y’all. as one of the 200 waitlist admits from last year i’m here to dispel any rumors. anyone have any questions?
i’m also in-state, so there’s definitely not many of us

some quick info:
decisions for in-state usually come out at 7am
I got in on May 20th, which was the first in-state wave last year


Wow congrats on being one of the 200! And May 20th! Wow that’s late. Okay good to know, thanks for letting us all know that. Maybe I’ll stop refreshing the emails every other second now :sweat_smile:

one of the chosen ones! Did you see any international waves before the in state ones? And did you contact in any admission officers after may 1?

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yeah it was late. I had lost hope because it was so late, so I assumed UCLA wouldn’t take any off the waitlist. I was definitely wrong though, am about a month away from finishing my first year here! definitely don’t check your email repeatedly - you’ll wake up to it (if you’re in-state).


yeah some out of state and internationals got off before may 1st and before the in-state wave come out if i remember correctly. i did not

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I second