UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Do we still get notified on weekends?

Will there be more oos waves? I heard there’s usually only 2 major waves for oos. We had one on Tuesday and one yesterday.

I saw one notification last weekend but it was an International student so they may have not checked until Saturday or an issue with time delay?

There are no specific patterns so you cannot predict when and whom gets off the waitlist from year to year. All you can do is be patient and get excited about your current school. Odds are not in favor for any waitlisted students considering how many are usually on the waitlist.


11 May

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Thank you! I hope you get in too!


heard there are some in-state college of engineering acceptances. will there be more in the in-state wave?

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@Gumbymom so far, the only In-state WL acceptances have been engineering students at UCLA’s engineering school (based on CC and Reddit); do you think there will be another wave of in-state WL students for the College of L&S, or am I just coping?

As I have stated before, there is no way to predict. Only admissions knows where there are spots open and whom they will admit off the waitlist. Usually the College of L&S has the bulk of waitlist admits so there should be more acceptances coming but it may be in-state or OOS/International or a combination of these groups.


so there could be more students accepted into college of engineering too?

Hey, so I was just accepted off of the UCLA waitlist yesterday 5/6 as a freshman for this coming fall. I am not sure when others will be notified but I do think that if you are likely to be admitted you should be notified in the coming week at the latest.


in-state or oos or international?

I am oos

What major or school? Congrats

Thank You!
I was admitted as a pre business economics major at college of letters and sciences.


i heard about the in-state college of engineering acceptances, could there be more students accepted into college of engineering in the coming weeks? or will the rest be in-state l&s acceptances?

For those who were watching the waitlist last year around this time, are the current number of acceptances similar to last year? Ik we cant know the exact number of people who are getting in at the moment but im just wondering if it feels like more or less motion.


I’m worried because I didn’t talk about any extracurricular updates in my info box because I didn’t have any major ones : ( I submitted my straight A’s and extra community college class I added on for info. I also wrote a really unique poem and then a letter about why UCLA/my VERY specific plans on what I would do at UCLA. Like I focused more on UCLA itself and why I should be admitted but idk I’m just so worried by not updating them about extracurriculars. I feel like my letter itself is really decent but very passionate and specific. Just wish the waiting game would be over!

My friends say it was more than last year and I feel like it was more, because in general this year a lot more people got into top schools and have to reject UCLA. I know like maybe half the people who got into UCLA at my school turned it down for Rice/Cal/Ivies, versus everyone last year just getting into UCLA and not turning it down (was pretty rare to turn it down last year). At other schools in my district, this is also the same pattern of people turning down UCLA more frequently this year. I’d take it with a grain of salt, but overall I think more people are getting off this year.


i also believe that more people MIGHT be getting off, but only bc WL admissions started coming out earlier than they did last year - specifically for OOS which usually come out before L&S.

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