UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I just called UCLA Admissions and asked when in state results were planning to be released. They said that they aren’t releasing in any particular pattern, and that it is a case by case basis (which doesn’t make sense because there are waves for sure). The most helpful information was that she said the committee is on track to have all waitlist acceptances or rejections announced by the end of May. So it looks like we will find out our final decision in the next week or so. I know UCSD just closed their waitlist yesterday, so the admission person telling me that a final decision will be made by the end of May makes sense.


Also she said by policy that they cannot read any updates or information shared outside of that initial information box provided in the original waitlist update. They only consider what you wrote in the text box.


thank you for sharing this. would this apply to transfers as well?

I’m unsure, I just asked about freshman. You can call them Mon-Thurs 1-4pm PST

How do you know that UCSD closed their waitlist? On the portal it says: We will release final application decisions to this Applicant Portal by the end of June.

UCSD did not close their waitlist. They sent some rejections but many are still on the waitlist, including my daughter.


Most people got a waitlist decision yesterday. Only small portion are still on the waitlist, so it’s basically closed off.

I thought I read I an earlier update memo that they were hoping to close the process by end of June but it may go into July. End of May is a different timeframe.


How can you possibly know the percentage that were rejected yesterday from the waitlist? Do you have some insider information? Just a reminder that CC and Reddit are not statistically representative samples. The reality is no one know exactly how many still remain on the waitlist. :woman_shrugging:


For UCLA, I called them today and my friend called them as well to confirm. They said end of May. Anyone can call and keep checking, but that is what I was told.


UCSD I meant most people from my school district. We all communicate in a group chat for college admissions. I don’t know the percentage, that’s why I said most because most people said that they got a rejection email. Sorry to cause confusion, but yes no one knows the exact percentages of anything. I’m just generalizing based off my district and what I’ve seen online! <3


Just to be clear - you’re talking about UCSD?
This is the UCLA thread, so your posts will cause confusion. You might want to PM or post on the correct thread.

Yes, I was just responding to someone’s comment because I was drawing comparisons.

Can u edit your comments to say UCSD or UCLA. Don’t know which school you are referring to in some of your statements

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Ok fixed the ones I could still edit, but they should be linked as replies to those asking questions. I never knew waitlists would be so stressful and all of this is just so overwhelming LOL. We can all do it though, I believe in everyone here!!!


Do what you say also apply to international students? I am international and I am still on the waitlist.

me too…

I know quite a few who were admitted but decided to go to another school.

I looked at the posts from last year’s UCLA waitlist thread on CC and many students got accepted in June with many getting off waitlist as late as June 22nd. Surprised UCLA would close the waitlist at end of May this year. Seems really early compared to past behavior. :smiling_face_with_tear:

They just said for freshman decisions that they are on track to have all done by end of May, so I think that includes international. I feel like since there’s been no in state L + S yet that those will be next because it’s a big portion of those on the waitlist tbh. Just my personal prediction that it would be pretty strange if no one in state for L+S got off before end of May.