UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

UCLA will not accept any additional documentation other than filling in the additional box if you are on the waitlist. All you can do is opt in and move on. If you are rejected, then you can appeal and send in documentation.

I posted this last year, but it still applies although it is written about Georgia Tech but the message is universal.


Thanks for posting that link @Gumbymom. Rick Clark has the best college admission blog posts.


So basically there are buckets based on applicant profiles (female from middle of nowhere county, urm from west Virginia etc.)

And when a spot opens up, they first pick the category based on who left, and then within that category pick the strongest applicant based on stats, essays etc.

Sounds like if you are bay area male Asian (or) insert any other high stats group applying to CS, getting off the WL might be next to impossible.


This is general overview of how many schools admit off the waitlist but it many not specifically pertain to how the UC’s will admit from their waitlists. It is more of the message to accept the waitlist and move on.

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Thank you for providing such informative stats always.

Daughter waitlisted at UCLA, UCSD, Cal Poly.

For UCLA, if they admitted 965 in 2019 for example, does that mean they offered many more slots and only 965 ultimately enrolled? Or is 965 the number of students who were offered a spot off the waitlist…

Thank you!

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The # admitted is the number offered a spot but not the # enrolled. That data I do not have.


For the waitlist: Is the initial application reviewed again or only the new information provided within the text box when opting in to the waitlist? Just trying to figure out whether any pertinent information from the initial application should be repeated. Thanks!

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My understanding is that the UC application will get a another review along with the additional information submitted.


Thank you!

Does anyone know the chances of getting off the waitlist for Materials Engineering major?

Engineering admits off the waitlist are not common but Material Engineering would have better chances than CS or ME. Most admits will be in the College of Letters and Sciences.


Thank you!

Can I submit my SIR to UCR and still put my name on waitlist in UCLA. Will I forfeit my waitlist spot if I submit SIR to another UC?

You will remain on the UCLA on the waitlist even if you SIR to another school. It is expected that you enroll at another school since you probably will not hear back from the waitlist until after May 1.

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Any idea about getting off the list for Math?

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The majority of Waitlist admits will be in the College of Letters and Sciences (which does not admit by major) and there is no way to predict how many students will be pulled from the waitlist.


any tips anything about what a waitlisted student can do?

This all you can do at this point.


I’m assuming UCLA reads every waitlist essay and then sends out the acceptances in waves right?
Also, historically, around when does UCLA stop sending out acceptances from the waitlist?