UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Email, around 9 AM


congrats! yeah almost unbelievable that every admit knows each other and goes to the same school


My guess is that the yield for in-state students is significantly higher than for OOS. So they have fewer gaps to fill for in-state, hence lesser need to go to the WL.


@Gumbymom @10s4life Is it unusual for so few in-state L&S students to have been taken off the waitlist by May 31, or is this par for the course?

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There is nothing “unusual’ or usual regarding waitlist admits this year vs. other years, since it can vary greatly from year to year. @DadOfJerseyGirl has pointed out that in-state admit yield rate is higher than OOS and International so there can be more spots available for these type of applicants which is consistent with the admitted posts in this discussion.

There is historical data regarding the yield rates using this link and I have listed the yield rates from last years admits below. Undergraduate admissions summary | University of California

In-state CA admit yield rate for 2021: 54%
OOS admit yield rate for 2021: 29%
International admit yield rate for 2021: 35%


It’s almost as if he is trolling


thank god i wasn’t the only one thinking that lol


Waitlists are boring.


waitlists in 3 adjectives (not only this one but for all):



I see that it is higher but it doesn’t really explain why there are so little in-state acceptances, especially for L&S because apparently it will be where most are accepted to (and hopefully some more college of engineering because, you know

In-state yield is not only higher but is likely more predictable and less variable from year to year compared to OOS/Intl. That means they get closer to meeting their enrollment goal for in-state students. That translates to having fewer spots to fill post May 1. Therefore fewer WL offers.

Anyway, having said that - UCLA hasn’t closed their WL yet so there’s still a chance. But in general WL offer chances are very small and shouldn’t be counted upon.


I am international and still on the waitlist. Do you know any data for international applicants this year? I am quite anxious these days.

But why do they not give the people they know aren’t going to make it in rejections? If there are going to be less offers why keep all of us hanging onto false hope and just reduce the waitlist?


like there are people anxious to get acceptances but if this ends in rejections in July we have wasted June by worrying about this. Why not send out rejections starting in June?


Maybe because there is no down side for them to keep the maximum number of backups? There is always a possibility that the committed students get off the waitlists of better choices. But I agree, it is painful for us.


idk it’s just not right to keep us waiting only to receive a painful rejection at the end. If they don’t have many seats left (at least for in-state), they should just start sending rejections now instead of stalling and making us hope that there is a chance. As much as I want to get in, I feel demoralized because I am waitlisted in CoE but the days passing with no update just makes it even worse


UCLA Waitlist update as of 1st of June
**** Note: Not all decisions have been made for students on the waitlist. ****

Decisions will be made on a rolling basis and will be posted here on our decision site. Please continue to check back. An email will also be sent to notify you once a decision has been made.


Athana03, where did you see this notice ?

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My daughter’s decision letter. Scroll down, they added a new note.


Mine also