UCLA Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I read somewhere that OOS kids usually get their results earlier around the last Tuesday of April.

Hello, so if three of my classes were honors and were not listed as such on my application, is that good compelling terms for an appeal?

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UCLA only considers UC approved Honors classes for California HS students, so if they are truly Honors courses defined by the UC system, that you should have contacted UCLA with an application update prior to your decision. No in itself is not “New and Compelling” information unless you can show that these specific courses make you a stronger applicant than originally presented in the UC application but if you want to give it a shot, then by all means file an appeal.

Since the number of people accepted from waitlist last year was so low compared to years before, will they have adjusted for this year to not be as low as last year’s 2% admission from waitlist?

UCLA has prior history to determine their yearly yield. Some years their prediction may be off so if they have a high yield, they do not admit many from the waitlist like last year. Consequently, they may have admitted less students this year and will pull from the waitlist. No way to know until after May 1.


Hi. I’m still a little confused about the waitlist process. Besides looking at the actual space available in a particular major, how does UCLA decide who to admit off the waitlist? Is there already a waitlist ranking for the students, and how much weight does the waitlist essay actually carry? Would an exceptional essay bump a student up a few spots? Thank you for all the great info you provide!

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UCLA does not rank waitlisted students nor take their ability to pay into account when offering them admission. Officials say their selections are generally a continuation of the regular admission process, with consideration given to students’ original scores from application readers and whether their intended areas of study fill enrollment holes that year along with the waitlist essay and updated course/grades.


I see. Didn’t know that.
Someone mentioned on another thread that colleges become need aware when picking from the waitlist because their financial aid funds might have been used up.
But maybe not so with UCLA.

That’s usually with the ‘meets full need’ schools. They may not be able to meet the needs of those admitted off the WL. However, UCLA doesn’t meet full need of all students.


One glimmer of hope: my DD goes to an East Coast boarding school. Lots of OOS students applied to UCLA and UCB and were accepted. Because of UC’s financial aid policy, most are declining their offers as they got better FA at Ivies or places like UVA and UMich (both of which still offer excellent FA to OOS students). So I suspect the yield will be lower as these accepted students decline their offers.


A few questions - my daughter will be submitting her supplemental info this morning (assume deadline is up until midnight tonight PST). She won leadership awards and has impressive info to share about leadership contributions which were not mentioned in her original app. She took 3 AP classes and one dual enrollment senior year. 3 As and 2 Bs - weighted gpa of 4.0 first semester senior year, her school calculated 3.8 unweighted last semester. Should we include this info about grades? Not sure if it will hurt her or help her and if we leave grades out, will be a red flag? Also do students need to address supplemental info to UCLA Admission Officer? Not sure if there is an appropriate way to begin the letter/submission. Thanks so much! Good luck to everyone!!! My daughter is waitlisted for TFT so we know it is a long shot but UCLA is her dream school so she is giving it her best shot! :pray:

UCLA does have historical data in regards to OOS yields which have been hovering in the low 20’s (21-25%) with exception of last 2021 which was 29% so they expect many students to decline their acceptances. Yes, if they fall short of their goal, they will pull from the waitlist but it will be interesting to see what happens this year.

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As long as she has A’s and B’s in her Senior classes, I would definitely submit.

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Submitted last night. Good luck everybody!


This is pretty typical - all UCs expect low take rates from OOS and international because they offer no financial aid. They factor that into their yield expectations.

Since they probably admit by enrollment holes in areas of study, how would applying undeclared - social science affect this? I know theres probably no definite answer but any knowledge but help me out rn since id really like to attend

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In general, if there are waitlist admits they are usually from the College of Letters and Sciences which is not major specific for admission.


UC admission site mentions that - one can be wait-listed in multiple UC’s, but can accept with only one UC. Does it mean, after accepting at another UC, the wait-list at UCLA becomes irrelevant?

You can enroll in a UC but remain on the waitlist for other UC schools. If admitted off the waitlist at another UC, you can withdraw from the first UC, lose your deposit and enroll in the new UC. You just cannot be enrolled in more than 1 UC at a time.

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Thank you. I had also sent out this query to UCLA, but did not get any response yet.