Hey all, I’m an incoming freshman at UCLA currently under the ‘Undeclared Social Science’ major however I am hoping to get into the communications major in junior year because its required for the career I want to pursue. I just wanted to know if anyone has any info, advice on specific classes, or just advice on getting into the major! THANKS
Comm 10 is a difficult class
they will talk about it at Orientation, look for the relevant breakout session. You can read the info at http://comm.ucla.edu/openadmin , you can attend one of the dept info sessions (check with the dept to see whenthe next one is) and you can make an appt to talk to the dept undergrad advisor
A lot of entering frosh are worried that they aren’t signed up for the right classes or doing the right things. At orientation they will get you signed up for the right classes, and keep in mind applying to the dept is 2 years down the road. You easily have a quarter or two to figure things out, so don’t stress over getting in to the major on account of what you do this Fall.
As general advice, grades count (duh, right?) and the expectations at UCLA are going to be higher than in HS. This summer I recommend you read the book “Make it Stick” that talks about the science of learning and has lots of tips for HS and college students. Do you review the chapters and old homework before tests? Do you put in some extra time studying right before tests? Both these sound reasonable and it’s what a lot of kids do, but they actually are poor ways to prepare! This book will explain concepts like distributed practice and self-testing so that the time you spend studying is time spent productively.