UCLA Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

I don’t have a confident answer, but I feel like their transfer quotas and freshman quotas are two entirely different numbers due to the nature of filling up 4 years of classes vs 2 years of upper divisions. So, transfer numbers being down is great news for us despite the increase of freshmen applications. Also, where are the doomsayers that were saying that fall 2022 was going to be the worst acceptance rates ever for transfers due to people taking LOA or whatever?


I think you might be right. With regards to the doomsayers, I think that they may have miscalculated. In the article that UCLA just published, the author writes, “Transfer applications were down 12% this year, both at UCLA and across the UC system, reflecting the decline in California community college enrollment during the pandemic.” To me, this would indicate that not many people with junior standing took a year off, but rather a lot of people at CCC’s with freshman or sophomore standing did. I’ll be interested to see how this admissions cycle pans out. Good luck!

Source: UCLA again breaks applications record, sees steep rise in top California applicants | UCLA)

This is probably going to be the easiest year amongst the three (2020, 2021) to get Into UCLA for all majors. I’m a UC to UC transfer, and I’m still not going to get my hopes up too soon. Anything can happen in a few months.

Great point. Even with increased odds, it is a highly competitive school. Best of luck!

On an article published by UCI, UCI had the most transfer applicants (in California) out of all the UC’s. Maybe that’s why?
Also community college enrollment this past year went down a lot. Could it be that a lot of people are choosing to start their career rather than attending school?

I didn’t know about the UCI thing, that’s interesting! According to the data that they just released, it looks like they’re a close second behind UCLA (in terms of total transfer applicants), but still very high. I have to imagine that you’re right about some people choosing to start their careers as opposed to attending school. What I was getting at is that I think, of the people who chose to take a gap year, most of them were not individuals with 60 credits who were ready to enroll at a UC or CSU. Rather, I think that most were people that took a gap year either right after high school or with 30ish credits at a CCC. Of course, this is just my speculation. No doubt that all different kinds of people took a gap year. Best of luck with admissions!

What were your EC’s

I don’t think I can apply for Alumni Scholarship… Will there be any disadvantages?

other than not being able to win the alumni scholarship, no there is not any advantage or disadvantage to applying for it

Major: Cognitive Science
Alternate Major: Econ
GPA: 3.50
Extracurriculars: Part time job
IGETC status: Completed

Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International?: In state
School Type: CCC
Where else did you apply/TAG?: All the UC’s except UCM, & UCSC. Tagged to UCSB.

Major: Comm
GPA: 4.0
Extracurriculars: 3 jobs 1 internship
IGETC status: 4 done by fall, 1 in winter, 2 currently in Spring

In-state/OOS/International?: In state
School Type: CCC

is there a prediction for the transfer decision release date so far?

ms sun says around 22 april but i feel like itll be 29 april cos ucla wouldnt release same day as cal

April 22

I doubt UCLA would delay admission decisions to the 29th, knowing that transfer applicants dropped significantly this year.

I think UCLA is actually releasing April 15th this year. If you look at the Alumni Events, they start reviewing Transfer Alumni Scholarships on Saturday, April 16th.


And they always review Alumni Scholarships the day after Admission decisions are released. FRESHMAN DECISIONS released Friday, March 18th and the Alumni Freshman Scholarship reading began the day after, Saturday March 19th.

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Hi everyone! Wishing you all the best of luck :slight_smile:
Major: Pre-Political science
**GPA: ** Applied w/3.89 and TAU was a 3.88
TAP+Alternate Major: Not TAP Certified and alt major was sociology
ECs: Student gov Executive Board (VP of Campus Activities 1 yr), student gov congressional lobbying committee (Director of Comms 1 yr), Gay-Straight Alliance (VP for 1.5yrs)
IGETC: Finished during Fall 2021
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
School Type: CC
Other: Decent essays where I focused mainly on overcoming an ED/being queer/lobbying experiences which helped me choose my major/seeing CC as a second chance, Deans’s honor roll, and only missing one pre-req which I’m taking rn

Do you happen to have a link showing this?

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“Transfer applications were down 12% this year, both at UCLA and across the UC system, reflecting the decline in California community college enrollment during the pandemic. Though the number of UCLA transfer applicants fell from 28,500 to just under 25,000, the campus once again received the largest number of transfer applications in the UC system.”

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