Hi guys. I’m a transfer student and I was wondering is the UCLA family orientation worth it? I’m refering to this http://www.newstudents.ucla.edu/familyo.htm
My parents only speak Cantonese, it’s quite a cost and I was wondering what they will actually get from this other than seeing my campus. If anyone has experience with this, please let me know, as well as some information about the regular student orientations!
If they don’t speak English, nothing but seeing the compass! But they may want to see that much? Let them decide!
For transfers, the sessions are just for students http://www.newstudents.ucla.edu/transferstudents.htm
2 years ago I found the parent orientation to be geared for parents of freshmen and our guide could not answer questions about transfer issues. I think I answered more questions than the guide, for freshmen families!
If they don’t understand English, they will not benefit from the tours or presentations.
Your parents may enjoy the parent weekend in October instead.