UCLA Forum Basic Rules

<p>I've decided to give the UCLA forum just a smidge more "structure" in the name of making things easier to find for a new person. So here are some rules. I'm going to leave this topic open for a week to see if anyone comes up with anything I missed, then append the post at the end and put this thread at the top for everyone to see.</p>

<li><p>This forum is primarily about the discussion of UCLA and related topics. That does not mean that we do not welcome people who are not Bruins, however. If a student from another school (yes, even USC) has a UCLA topic to discuss, then he is more than welcome here.</p></li>
<li><p>I will be making a "chances" thread. Post your chances there. DO NOT MAKE MORE CHANCES THREADS. It's so much easier if all the chances posts are in one thread. It's organized and reduces the number of posts with the title "OMG I R WORREEED!!!!!one!!111!!" in this forum. </p></li>
<li><p>I will be opening a "bar." What a "bar" does is serves as a thread for people to post stuff that really isn't threadworthy. Y'know, like "Hey, what room is that event in?" or, "OMG I HATE MY ECON CLASS." If your thread will get less than 5 posts, it belongs in the bar.</p></li>
<li><p>UCLAri is a busy man. If he does not post for 2 days, do not PM or IM him asking him if he's quit CC. He has not. He's just busy.</p></li>
<li><p>NO MORE UCLA TASER THREADS. Seriously.</p></li>
<li><p>Any thread that's just about "OMG WHEN ARE DECISIONS UP" will be deleted. Just post it to the bar or elsewhere. Seriously. </p></li>

<p>After the week of suggested rules, I'll be putting the 101 reasons to attend UCLA list here as well. I'm trying to reduce stickies.</p>

<li>UCLA offers a nearly unbeatable balance between athletics and academics.</li>
<li>Santa Monica is 15 minutes away.</li>
<li>Bruins eat Trojans (okay, one exception to the negativity. I call modtatorship on this!)</li>
<li>Campouts in front of Pauley Pavillion</li>
<li>Being able to tell your kids that you ACTUALLY had to walk uphill to and from school when you were at UCLA</li>
<li>Royce Hall</li>
<li>Going with friends to see a movie premier in Westwood and saying, "Dude, Keanu Reeves looks like a wuss!"</li>
<li>Finally becoming old enough to go to Maloney's</li>
<li>SQUIRRELS!!!!!! OMGCUTE!</li>
<li>Diddy Riese!</li>
<li>Sneaking into the tunnels under the campus...and not getting caught.</li>
<li>Musuems in LA.</li>
<li>Concert scene in LA.</li>
<li>Campus food is pretty solid.</li>
<li>Daily Bruin- solid paper.</li>
<li>In-N-Out Burger</li>
<li>One of the top Hospitals on campus!</li>
<li>Political people stop by on a semi-regular basis.</li>
<li>Offers Chinese for beginners and fluent speakers.</li>
<li>Tommy's Original World Famous Hamburgers are just a short jaunt away.</li>
<li>All-Hill Halloween</li>
<li>When you already are where everyone else wants to be, what's not to like?</li>
<li>You might see <fill in="" your="" favorite="" celebrity=""> at the grocery store.</fill></li>
<li>Sometimes they hire college kids as extras for movies!</li>
<li>In-n-Out Burger (so important it has to be listed twice)</li>
<li>Wooden Center</li>
<li>Naps outside Jann's steps</li>
<li>Jobs. Jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs.</li>
<li>Free sneak movies</li>
<li>Cool speakers on campus/in class</li>
<li>Kevin Smith apparently teaches a class here. Seriously.</li>
<li>Spring Sing? (Ok, I haven't gone. Yet. But it sounds really fun. )</li>
<li>Raspberry/banana ice cream</li>
<li>Kettle corn outside Ackerman
40 KOSHER FOOD at Bruin Cafe!</li>
<li>All my really cool friends go to UCLA</li>
<li>It costs a quarter to go on the local buses.</li>
<li>Bunche Hall</li>
<li>The Physics and Astronomy Building</li>
<li>Girls are hot</li>
<li>Torta Ahogada @ Rendezvous</li>
<li>$2 movies</li>
<li>The GE Clusters system</li>
<li>Late night runs to Crossroads</li>
<li>Bruin Bear outside Ackerman</li>
<li>The people here.</li>
<li>The Unicycle Man!</li>
<li>The ninja/student who does flips outside the parking lot near the IM fields and sometimes near Ackerman</li>
<li>Kerchoff jazz nights and free campus concerts in general</li>
<li>SEAS Cafe...for those of you who don't know, you might never know</li>
<li>99 NCAA titles</li>
<li>Tuition for In-State Students</li>
<li>Facebook Friends Forever</li>
<li>It's been in countless films</li>
<li>Inverted Fountain</li>
<li>Students in Bearwear (sweaters) in all weather conditions</li>
<li>Romanesque architecture</li>
<li>UCLA's sculpture garden</li>
<li>You're surrounded by lots of very smart people. You can't help but study to keep up - and that's cool!</li>
<li>$2 boba milk tea drinks outside Ackerman (sold by the Chinese Culture Night People!)</li>
<li>The chance to go to UCLA Orientation and see Cabaret!</li>
<li>The black man on Bruin Walk...trying to get you to donate while shaking your hand for over 5 seconds.</li>
<li>Fowler Out Loud! Free concerts that are REALLY great with free refreshments!</li>
<li>The ability to watch the "Ivy League" series on AZN TV...and laugh at the stress we all once had to go through. [dunno if this is UCLA-specific...Ari?]</li>
<li>Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Taiwanese/Vietnamese Culture Night</li>
<li>Did someone say Westwood yet?</li>
<li>Quarter System</li>
<li>The cool celebrities who take Charles Young Drive when Sunset Blvd gets jammed</li>
<li>RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES!!!!!! (SRP, URFP, etcetc.)</li>
<li>The awesome shower heads that we have. Having it set on a pulsating massage setting is like having a little piece of nirvana...in your shower.</li>
<li>The hourly bells...even if there really isn't a hunchback man waiting to ring them every hour.</li>
<li>I found out one of my professors loves youtube. lol</li>
<li>My friend said that her professor who is in her 50's looks hotter then her. The reasons she gave are her professor has nicer racks and abs than her ROFLMAO</li>
<li>The people who commute 2 hrs daily to serve you lattes, swipe your bruincard, clean your bathrooms, etc. Give them some notice instead of telling them to "hurry the f up"</li>
<li>Reduced fees to attend performances at Royce</li>
<li>The X-Cape arcade.</li>
<li>22 hours of silence during finals</li>
<li>Finals on a Saturday or Sunday</li>
<li>Hibernating Bruin Bear outside Ackerman</li>
<li>Beating USC</li>
<li>The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (Gayley & Weyburn, Westwood & Weyburn).</li>
<li>Amazingly enough there's great food at the hospital cafeteria. Best hours to go are between 6-7:30 PM.</li>
<li>Seminars (If you know which ones to go to, there' really good catered food).</li>
<li>Libraries that hardly anyone uses. These are great especially during midterms and finals.</li>
<li>The journals UCLA subcribes to...you can find just about any article or book.</li>
<li>Graduate courses open to undergrads.</li>
<li>The shuttle system.</li>
<li>Wooden Center.</li>
<li>Mildred Mathias Botanical Gardens.</li>
<li>The helipad on top of the CHS hospital.</li>
<li>View from the Factor Building (that's Catalina Island in the background).</li>
<li>Movie previews at Melnitz.</li>
<li>Because going anywhere else wouldn't be as fulfilling.</li>
<li>Because it's UCLA. Isn't that a good enough reason.</li>

<p>The combined Chances thread is much needed. Thanks. How about posting Class-related things in the subforums? I think the subforums are underutilized. For example, when application/decision times roll around, the prospective students should post in their subforum so that the main forum isn't so clogged. This also helps them find answers to common questions that are probably lost in the main forum due to the normal threads.</p>

<p>Oh, the bar thing is a great idea. :D</p>

<p>The Wooden Center is posted twice on that list (30 and 94), someone please fix it! One more reason..someone ;)</p>

<p>You're going to Disneyland!</p>

<p>I feel inspired :D</p>

<h1>56: 99 NCAA Titles? Isn’t it 100? Might want to update before posting but otherwise great job!</h1>

<p>03-21-2007, 03:24 PM</p>

<p>this is from 2 years ago</p>

<p>It’s actually 103 now.</p>

<p>It’s pretty awesome how academics are almost nowhere on your list.</p>



<p>Strong second post lmao. As a college student, that is the best ■■■■■■■■ you can do? I am dissapoint.</p>



<p>And now 105</p>

<p>Uh, hello? Reason 1 should be: Girls, reason 2 should be: Disney Land, and if that’s not enough, then reason 4 should be: It’s freakin’ UCLA!!! :D</p>