UCLA Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread


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Does anyone know if there is any movement in Herb Alpert (Music industry BA)?

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Anyone heard back from an appeal?

hoping that I get off tomorrow :crossed_fingers:

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Me too, literally been constantly praying to get off that waitlist

So tomorrow more people will get off the waitlist?

More information on this this please. We applied for housing within deadline on 5/11 . can we assume that housing is guaranteed. We have confirmation that the housing application was received, but we have not received the contract.

We are waiting to get that to cancel the SIR to the UC he was accepted

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nopeā€¦got off waitlist for engineering as international student on 6th may

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Congrats! Which major?

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Thanksā€¦Undeclared :slight_smile:

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Any updates with appeals today (Saturday, May 13)?

HI! My sonā€™s applied to Global Music in Music dept (audition based), waitlisted but has not heard anything. Iā€™d assume its very specific to the instrument though

any wave today?

no update from them yet

Probably, we need to wait until Monday when undergrad admission team will be back in the office. But never knowā€¦we still have Sunday!


@Cw2027 Please see my post on May 8. You can also call the housing office and ask when you should expect a housing contract.



Just on different forums and it looks like people have SIRed at 1 school but holding other offers. Or have 2 SIRs but scared to release 1 because of housing. Is this ok? This will delay the entire process and possible get those folks in trouble.

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If they donā€™t release WL or appeals in the next few hours like last weekend, it might be next week. I believe CALā€™s SIR date is tomorrow. Maybe they are waiting to see if this will change UCLA numbers.

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Today my daughter and I went to Transfer Bruin Day, because as a waitlist admit she was invited too. (It was great! They had a special welcome session for incoming freshmen.) At the housing info tent, one of the staff working there told us that normally regular-admission housing requests are processed first, then waitlist students, then transfer students, in that order. ā€œBut because this year UCLA admitted so many more students from the waitlist, like a thousand, we decided to wait a bit longer and process waitlist admits with the regular ones all together.ā€

I donā€™t know who this man was or if he really knows the numbers, so make of that what you will. But he clearly was an [older] adult employee, not a student.