UCLA Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Thank you! That helps.

Does anyone know if any admitted on regular schedule already has housing contracts. ? If they don’t then we can assume everyone is in the same boat and if they do, it would also help to know how long does it take to get a housing contract?
Thank you so much!


I know, that sounds like a LOT! My daughter was shocked! But again, who knows if that’s really the number. This was an older gentleman who clearly works there, but Idk if he’s privy to the actual numbers. What does seem true regardless is that they admitted significantly more from the waitlist than last year.

Was “a thousand” already admitted in the last two weeks waves? Or will they admit a total of a thousand students during all this waitlist process?

Yesterday, I learned that an international student deposited to four universities at the same time. They think it is OK unless the student has a binding contract with the university.

Stanford released some WL decisions on Friday. UMichigan will announce after May 15. These may change some numbers along with Cal.


I have seen many posts about double deposit and holding spots. Very frustrating and slows down the entire process.

If colleges find out this could be problematic for those folks. NYU also is pulling from WL. All this will impact available spots. I wonder if UCLA got enough SIRs.

I believe it is an interesting year. They will need to pull more from WL and appeals. At the end every student can only go to one school.


Same query. Have 1000 been admitted already?

I wish they will continue to admit.

i dont think so. it seems more like an estimate total by the end of waitlist… but idk

Isnt it strictly forbidden to double deposit?

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And when they withdraw and commit to only one school?

It is unethical to double deposit and some systems like the UC’s do flag you if they see you have SIR’d to 2 schools. However, I am sure there are plenty of colleges where this does not happen but if found out, all acceptances will be rescinded. Not a chance I would take but doing the right thing and having a moral conscience should be a students top priority.


My impression (I don’t know for sure) was that the thousand have already been admitted. He said they’re processing the waitlist and regular admit housing requests together, and then warned my daughter to make sure to finalize her housing request by the end of this weekend, presumably because they are processing them tomorrow.

Also: my daughter got off the waitlist on May 6 and she was given until May 14 (today) to decide. So the next round of offers might not go out until tomorrow.


heres hoping more of us get off


No one knows exact numbers but UCLA the #1 public university made a lot of noise last week with huge waitlist release.

The UCs from outside looking in haven’t hit their numbers. UCLA has to fill their spots and know students will pick them vs other highly rated UC but not 100% of them. This has to shake up things at other schools.

Based on last year about 12k admits 50% yield you get about 6000 entolled. If the offered about 12k like last year and their yield was like about 35% previous years not last year, that gives them about 4k students. They are a business first and need to fill spots. Wonder if they hit their numbers needed after big WL wave.

Something is going on. Is it UC were to arrogant based on last years numbers? If UCLA releases more waitlist tomorrow this is going to go on for awhile.

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It is unethical! but they are doing it within csu, UC, i have seen posts about having UC deposit and one at csu. Schools aren’t as organized and efficient as we give them credit for within their own systems let alone with other university systems. Many claim waiting for housing, financial aid or we need more time to decide.

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I SIR’d to UCSD in late March, and then I SIR’d UCLA on May 1. I withdrew my UCSD admission almost two whole weeks later after submitting my SIR to UCLA. Do you think this will cause any problems?

I would like to guess that the reason so many people have been getting off the waitlist this year compared to previous years is due to government Newsom requiring UCSD, UCLA, and UC Berkeley to open up a couple hundred more spots for students.

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That still wouldn’t add up to the number of wl pulled. UCLA, UCSB, UCI started using WL since April. Next week should be interesting.

I agree with your post and it is being done but I do not condone that behavior and hope students are conscious that it is wrong.