UCLA Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

My daughter got off the WL this morning at 7:47 am. She is an incoming freshman, in-state, major is Sociology. We too had given up hope on UCLA and were completely surprised! Wishing the best for everyone else still waiting!


Congrats! May I ask what school she’s withdrawing from? granted, she takes her ucla spot

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May i ask major? What school will be switching from?

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I saw on another platform someone got off wl for chemistry/material science. Not sure if this helps anyone.


Instate too?

I myself have been eagerly following this thread, so I hope that my info would be helpful to someone who has inquiries about the UCLA waitlist.

I committed to Berkeley and was accepted in the college of a Letters and Science for a Molecular Biology major. As of yesterday, June 30th, I was pleasantly surprised to be admitted to UCLA off the waitlist into the College of Letters and Science for a Biophysics major, though I am aware that the major is subject to change as long as you are in the same college.

I am a resident of Los Angeles and am currently leaning toward UCLA as it would solve several challenges.

Thank you, and I hope this information has been helpful to you.


Does anyone know if the waitlist is still moving for international kids, specifically Business Economic students?

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Are there still hope for waitlisters especially internationals?

Anyone get email status change today?

I got the email 2:44 PM PST. Rejected off UCLA waitlist. Wish everyone else the best of luck!

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same. rejected for coe today

OOS applicant rejected from CompE/EE off of waitlist. Email came at 3:02 PM Pacific.

got an email at 4:03 pm pacific, rejected from human biology and society, good luck for everyone else :))

My daughter (in state, applied for Financial Math & Stats major) also was rejected off the UCLA waitlist today. It was her first choice–I told her she can always apply to transfer, and/or grad school there. Onward to UCSB! She just came back from a great orientation there: got all the classes she wanted, got the Fall dorm she wanted right on the ocean, and is all set to attend their 6 week Freshman Summer Session Program 3 weeks from now. It’s nice to have closure though.


Admitted off appeal this morning! Seriously still shocked. I’m a political science UC to UC transfer!


Is there an appeals process for the UCLA waitlist?

You need to contact UCLA admissions to see if they will accept waitlist appeals. Not all campuses will allow you to appeal your waitlist denial.

Rejected as an OOS Business Econ student, UCLA isn’t planning on taking anymore freshman are they?

Anybody still on the waitlist? I have not received any status update at all yet… I’m hoping they just send the rejection to me to get it over with soon

Still waiting as well, may be they are rejecting in waves!