UCLA Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Do they review waitlisted applications from scratch again and decide? Or do they keep some kind of waitlist ranking and then review LOCI and decide? This process looks very confusing and error prone in US colleges… Because there are so many factors to be considered - Academics, ECs, GPA, test score, essay, in-state, oos, international, Geographic Diversity, Gender Diversity, Racial Diversity + almost 50 types of other diversities… How can a group of people compare all these factors perfectly and make a fair decision. I think, that is why people believe in luck :slight_smile:

I think at this point,they look at filling the gap.for example,if they have an opening in engineering (no matter what the specialty is), and they need a male, hispanic, 1st generation,oos, etc… they will look at the first candidate that fills all those criterias. It is not about who has the best cv anymore.Now, it is a matter of luck and a matter of ethics for those who are accepted and dont want the spot.they should notify them asap to let the others in.


6 posts were split to a new thread: Double depositing for Colleges

Any Movement ?

Neither rejection, nor admittance


At this point just waiting for rejection. Wish they could send some updates


Hello! Some of my friends got off the waitlist for UCLA this morning. They both had majors in the College of Letters and Science.

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what did they put in the loci? and are they accepting?

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My son was accepted to Letters and Science this morning. Public Affairs.



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Freshman or transfer student?

Freshman, in state.

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any updates with herb alpert?

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This summer has been my longest summer that I ever had, what a pain :frowning: … By the way I’m OOS but UCLA has been my dream school…

Are they taking any i termational?i am american from a european school.i wonder if they consider me feom.the inernational quota or oos ? any idea?

If you are a US citizen studying abroad, you would reviewed as an OOS applicant.

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Wouldnt they consider me from the uota they have allocated to that country for example?

Your International academics will be considered in the admission review but you are considered a domestic applicant with no home state. The overall admit rate is more favorable for OOS vs International applicants but there is a mandated admission cap for both OOS and International students. Unfortunately all this is out of your hands at this point.

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I read about a lot of transfer students who got off the waitlist this week, but I think no news for freshmen…

My son got off the waitlist this morning. Email was sent at 7:47am. He had completely given up on UCLA and couldn’t believe it after all these months of waiting. Glad this stressful process is over for him and he can happily attend his dream school while staying close to home. Wishing everyone else still waiting the best of luck!