<p>There is a lot of info on the web, but what I can't find is do they tend to group at all by majors? Is there a building or group of building that generally house engineering students? Or is it random except for selecting the style of living you want like res hall or plaza etc.?</p>
<p>I hear there’s that new humanities residential college next year?</p>
<p>But other than that, there has not been any grouping by majors whatsoever. Classically, UCLA housing has been done randomly unless you request roommates or apply for community housing. I’m not sure how these residential colleges will play out. I’ve been off campus for a year so a bit out of touch with that.</p>
<p>Ya, not seeing random as a feature. Some majors are more intense than others. Would rather they be grouped by more than random and somewhat by major, especially in such a gigantic population. Now I am understanding why I have heard kids get lost down there. Interesting…</p>
<p>When you sign up for housing, you’ll get to choose a number of preferences, including the following: by roommate (you and a friend request each other), building type, themed community housing, and I assume now residential college.</p>
<p>Unless you specifically choose who you want as a roommate or if you apply to live in a theme/college environment, Housing will group people by their preferences (noise level, sleep time, alcohol and smoke), without using major as a way to group students. This way it’s a random pick who your roommates will be.</p>