UCLA or UCI for business econ major?

<p>I just wonder which school should i go for business econ major (and accounting minor). got in both of them
can someone help?</p>

<p>I say UCLA.</p>

<p>UCI has an actual undergrad b-school whereas UCLA does not. However you probably want to go to get an MBA after graduation. I’m personally going to UCI this fall but I’m trying to transfer out cuz getting into top 5 MBA Programs from irvine is nearly impossible. I recomend UCLA</p>

<p>I heard some people say that biz econ at UCLA is really good and hard to get in. also people get higher chance of having a job after grad.</p>

<p>You are correct, UCLA Business Econ is quite impacted, if I had gotten into both I would choose LA over Irvine. LA is also quite reputable nationwide, Irvine is also, but not, at least in my opinion, to the extent of LA.</p>

<p>You’re misinformed about getting into a top business school via irvine. All that matters is GPA, GMAT and work experience. Same goes with law, med school etc. Etc.</p>