Hello everyone! I was recently accepted into both UCLA and UCSD (warren college) for biochemistry, and I’m completely stuck on which one I should choose. UCSD is closer to my house, so I can commute, and I have a lot of friends accepted who are also going there, but on the other hand, UCLA isn’t too far from San Diego and I know both are known for being good schools, but UCLA is considered more prestigious and may have more opportunities available to me, but I don’t know anyone else going there.
If I’m being completely honest, I’m also worried about the academic aspect/competition I will face if I go to UCLA vs. UCSD. While i did get a 4.0 unweighted GPA throughout all of high school, I’m not naturally smart unlike other people. I am just worried I won’t be able to maintain good grades depending on the school I attend.
I was accepted for Biochemistry for both schools (but i may want to change my major to biology), and I am hoping to someday attend medical school.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you! (:

Prestige comes with age…UCLA has been around for a much longer time. However, it doesn’t mean anything if the quality of the admitted students are the same for that department especially in biochemistry. If you are looking for " easier " school in this case, I think you will have a rude awakening soon. If you are hoping for more opportunities in bio industry, I think UCSD and its surrounding industry is unbeatable comparing to UCLA. If you want to potentially switching majors, I think UCLA may have more departments / majors than UCSD.

@CollegeSpec I know it won’t be easy no matter which school I go to, sorry if I came off that way! I always have to study and work hard for my grades, and I was just scared because I heard the competition is so much more fierce at UCLA.
Are there a lot more opportunities for science majors at UCSD than UCLA?
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me!

My daughter had same fears 3 years ago and was debating between UCLA and LMU (both in biochemistry with premed intention). However, after a long debate, she made it to UCLA. Of course she has not been able to maintain a perfect GPA as she otherwise would (probably) have, but definitely she is not crying over her present 3.92 GPA either!
(However, she switched to bio-psychology, after the first year as she found bio-chemistry unbearable!)

@Seohye Again, the quality of the students are the same in these departments between the two school, it’s more about personal preferences. There’s no such thing one is more fierce than the other in this particular case between these 2 schools. If you care about rankings at all, in a grand scale, the ranked departments are pretty much close to each other. UCLA definitely has more majors to choose from however. It is a bigger school. UCSD is heavily STEM oriented + a few art majors, imo. So in short, if you are in science (which you are), the competition is the same between the two. Visit the campus and talk to the students, see if you can see yourself there.

@uclaparent9 Thank you for responding to me! Does you daughter have any tips of some sort she utilizes to get a good GPA? A 3.92 GPA sounds amazing! Does she also enjoy being at UCLA, like the social aspect of the school?

@CollegeSpec Ohh okay, i see what you mean! And yes, I plan on visiting both campuses :). Thank you for your input.

Responding to your post#5:

Hard work!
Willing to spend long hours to study (That is the only way you can succeed in a competitive environment such as in UCLA). Students are all smart (especially those who aspire medical school) and the only differentiator is who’s willing to go that extra step!

…and she loves UCLA and enjoys it tremendously! Especially the food! Eventhough she lives at home (we live 4 miles away) but often she dines in there (even I and her middle-schooler-brother sometimes sneak out and acompany her to the dining halls … though we have to hide that from her mom)!!!

If I was only going for the bio-chem, UCSD is really hard to beat. But it you want more of a college interaction, UCLA is amazing. It’s a D1 school (if you are into sports) with amazing venues and high level athletes. UCSD just became a D1 school without football. UCSD is by the beach in La Jolla (Muir dorms look into the beach), a sleepy town with lots of old people (you would have to go to PB or other areas for fun.) UCLA is in Westwood with amazing food, shopping and a fun buzz (within walking distance). My suggestion is go to both campuses and get your own vibe and if you are commuting, the parking in UCSD is atrocious! You can be hunting for a spot to part for 1/2! For me, I’d go to UCLA.

… and she is sad that she has to leave UCLA so soon (she is gratuating next quarter after 3 years). Who knows with a little luck maybe she can comeback again? (though we understand that she needs more than just a little luck!).

(And all these comments were coming from a Trojan father who graduated decades ago from the rival USC about a daughter who grew up as a Trojan baby as she called herself then)

My son is trying to make the same decision as you, but as a bioengineering major (Warren college as well). Looking at the courses for his major, UCLA and UCSD are similar, so I think it’s going to come down to the college atmosphere/location for him.

I am sorry I am not here to give advices because I am also an upcoming college student like you.

I did not get into UCLA, however… i applied to Chemistry…

I did get into UCSD biochemistry though… will you please share what you’ve heard about the college and major already ? I am sorry if I am asking too much :frowning: