ucla students: free time?

<p>this is a really random question...but i wanted to know if you current ucla students find yourselves with a lot of free time...meaning, after classes and homework, do you find you have time to relax, or work at a job, or go to the gym, etc? or does schoolwork consume most of your free time?</p>

<p>I can finish all my programming assignments, usually do well on engineering midterms and still have the time to make almost 4,000 posts on College Confidential. :rolleyes:</p>


<p>So that's where all of your free times goes... :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Um... well, besides going to classes and completing schoolwork, I'm doing research in a lab, working part-time under work-study, volunteering as an on-campus tour guide, participating as a member of the ORL Student Conduct Board, participating as a member of PEERS (Program for Excellence in Education and Research in the Sciences) and I even have time to make it to most of my floor gov. meetings and go to Wooden every now and then. </p>

<p>So, yes... you should have more than enough time to do some of the things you want to do. Though you should know that because I am involved in so many different activities, my gpa has taken a bit of a hit (which is about a B+ average.) </p>

<p>Oh and, if it makes any difference, I'm a BioChem major.</p>


Well, I actually do have real work and club activities that exclude College Confidential... but most of them aren't worth posting. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>flopsy, i see you all the time, usually in rieber dining hall. dunno if you remember/recognize me though. this post is pretty random.</p>

<p>hm sounds like you guys do have a lot of time</p>


Oh and, if it makes any difference, I'm a BioChem major.


<p>ckings, you give me hope. :D</p>

<p>I'm in a lot of crap (marching band, service fraternity, geography club, other minor clubs) and I'm double majoring and still have a bit of time to do stuff. You have to be good at time management, though, and have to realize that if you want a good GPA, you're going to have to sacrifice some of your time and spend it studying instead.</p>