<p>I have a question for transfer student who attended UCLA summer session prior to their fall admittance. Did you apply as a "visiting" student and pay a higher fee for summer school? Or would one just wait to find if they are admitted to UCLA first before applying to UCLA summer session?</p>
<p>yea i have the same question; i was also wondering whether you can attend summer session 09 if you were admitted for fall 09? if so, when will you be able to register for summer… can you just register for your summer classes as soon as you accept the admission?</p>
<p>i suggest you wait until you are accepted, because you don’t pay “UCLA” fees, but “UC” fees. So if you get into ANY UC, you will be paying the same price for as a regular UCLA student. So, just wait until you get into ANY UC.</p>
<p>i don’t even know if you can sign up for summer school yet… hmm… well, i haven’t gotten an e-mail about it yet.</p>
<p>taking summer school prior to UCLA, a really smart move. You start to learn about the campus and you’ll feel more secure in the fall. Also, there is a lot of filming going on during the summer, so you can catch cool stuff like movies and TV shows being filmed.</p>
<p>and yes, just to clarify, you can definitely take summer school prior to fall enrollment. Throughout summer, you will be paying UC fees but they won’t finalize your UCLA status until your IGETC certification (if you have it) goes through, which won’t be until late summer/early fall. But don’t let it bother you, if you didn’t mess up, live like a Bruin. :)</p>