<p>I'm applying to transfer to UCLA for Communications. I'm TAG certified and my alternate major is Anthropology. My GPA is a 3.3 (yeah i know it's not too high :/) but I have talked with a counselor at UCLA and she told me that if I'm honors/TAG certified, then I have a good chance of at least getting into my alternate major if I don't get into my main choice. Is this true?
I'm just worried because I have kept up a 3.82 for most of my time at my CC but my last semester brought me down a bit. Would I still possibly have a chance in my alternate?</p>
<p>I think you are referring to TAP and not TAG. One gives priority and alternate major, while the other guarantees admission.</p>
<p>Oh shoot, TAP is what I meant!! I didn’t mean to write TAG. </p>
<p>Yeah, I’m “TAP” certified… does that give me a better chance to at least get in my alternate major?</p>