<p>I'm posting on behalf of a friend, who's aiming to transfer from a CC to UCLA. </p>
<p>She was going to do TAP until she realized that it doesn't encompass communications, one of the majors she's considering. Though she's not dead set on comm, she's leaning towards it.</p>
<p>Should she do TAP anyways, in case she does decide to go with another major? The only benefit she'd gain from going through with it is if she is rejected from the comm major, and is considered for another one.</p>
<p>Also, how strongly does strength of schedule factor in for the transfer app? Would it be more beneficial to take easy GPA boosters, or hard classes that won't guarantee those elusive As?</p>
<p>if she’s going for a major in the L&S thats even slightly impacted, i would say to go and complete TAP. for comm, if you dont have a 4.0, do TAP. last yr the average gpa for comm admits was 3.89, i wouldnt be surprised if that number goes up this april</p>
<p>not only does TAP give you priority for your alternative major but will help you with your primary (around 90% of those who complete TAP get in, as opposed to the 35% for those who dont)</p>
<p>but the MAIN THING: make sure she has her prereqs finished by end of spring prior to transfer</p>
<p>That’s simple. Easy GPA boosters if you are transferring to a UC. Definitely do TAP and apply for the Comm major. Even though TAP doesn’t help any of the engineering/comm/film major applicants, it will put you into your second choice major if you are not good enough to make it into any of those three programs. You never know unless you try.</p>