<p>Majoring in Economics. Which school has a better program? Will it make a difference?</p>
<p>I heard that private schools don’t get affected by state budget cuts, since they don’t get funding from the State, would be a good be a good guess to say that “USC might be in better shape right now than UCLA, in terms of classes available for students, financial aid, funding”…</p>
<p>Private schools still lost a ton of their endowment value. Not only that, but they lose their donations from alumni.</p>
<p>As for your second question, I doubt it would make that much of a difference really.</p>
<p>I’m leaning towards USC because of their networking. Thoughts?</p>
<p>Like I have said before USC has the best financial system around. And the best jobs are always through word of mouth USC is pro at networking for their graduates. </p>
<p>And Of course you can expect a clashing argument from Hijynx99. A future UCLA student i might add. </p>
<p>and a question you should ask. Is Have they lost money if so how much? Its quite clear that public schools have (news and media etc…) but i have not seen any news reports about privates</p>
<p>Well, to answer your questions, USC DID lose some of its endowment, but even then, USC’s financial footing is much stronger than UCLA’s. In fact, USC increased their financial aid budget by 8% this year to help students afford attending during these bad times.</p>
<p>As far as their Economics departments are concerned, you dig into their websites and look through faculty profiles, noting what their interests are and how they relate to yours. I’m guessing that UCLA’s Econ program would be more theoretical, while USC’s would be more practical. Do you plan on graduate school? Or are you moving into the workforce immediately after graduation? Where do you feel more comfortable? USC and UCLA are very different campuses on opposite sides of town. Get off your computer chair and visit the schools – this is a decision important enough to do so.</p>
<p>Grind did you get into UCLA off appeal? You were waiting on the appeal thread, but never actually seriously posted that you got in.</p>
<p>Also, why did you make two threads for this?</p>
<p>Because I can!</p>
<p>According to USNew ranking, UCLA econ program ranks 14th in the nation while USC ranks 50th. [Rankings</a> - Economics - Graduate Schools - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-economics-schools/rankings/]Rankings”>http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-economics-schools/rankings/)
I know this ranking is for graduate schools but it may help you to make a decision.</p>
<p>No it doesn’t really. Because graduate schools have nothing to do with their undergraduate programs.</p>
<p>Yah but USC has magical networking skills above and beyond UCLA!</p>
<p>Oh wait, it’s not Harvard :)</p>
<p>USC is a good school, but it really offers you no benefits over UCLA rather than a higher bill. I am sure it has an amazing financial system, but UCLA is pretty good too. And when you are already 70% cheaper or so, it’s an easy thing to see UCLA is almost always going to be cheaper.</p>
<p>As for the networking, it really isn’t that helpful unless you already have one foot in the door. Going to Calabasas High, I had a lot of friends who graduated from USC. The only ones who got supreme networking handouts were those who already had super successful parents with lots of money, and those who finished top in their class. Alternatively, my two friends at UCLA who finished near the top of their class got hired by a major hedge fund. A third got a scholarship to Yale after his professor wrote him a stellar recommendation to a former classmate.</p>
<p>Don’t the same teachers teach grad school as they do undergrad? And isn’t a lot of grad school based on the teachers? I am really unsure.</p>
<p>Now I’m positive you have no idea what your talking about.</p>
<p>Reading comprehension? I specifically said I was “unsure” as in I am unfamiliar with the ranking differences between grad schools. I am unsure what criteria is rated. Did you see the question marks in my post? Lawl.</p>
<p>Other than that, my other post was accurate since it pertained to actual networking and cost.</p>
<p>At this point, I think you would be better off at USC :D</p>
<p>^History major. enough said</p>
<p>whose history is he studying?</p>
<p>History is dynamic and constantly clashing. How chaotic it must be to debate an idea in history.</p>
<p>Similar to economics. Or have you not been paying attention to the economic collapse and the never ending theories on how to fix things? lol. </p>
<p>NO! TAX CUTS!</p>
<p>Hijynx, you’re not funny. And you’re hijacking this thread. Go away.</p>
<p>My points still stand for anyone who would like to refute them.</p>
<p>So HiJynx99 has been messaging me via private message. Each msg is about a page long haha. Thought I’d might share one of his many beautiful and kinds words of wisdom.</p>
<p>HiJynx99: Explain the significance of you owning a dime and being a transfer student “on top of that” If you won’t owe a dime, then why does it matter if you are a transfer student? I am a transfer student and get that you only will be paying for 2 years or less, but if you don’t owe anything (I’m guessing your parents are paying) that second comment is completely irrelevant. Though I am really just pointing out how bad your writing skills are, combined with your reading comprehension, lol.</p>
<p>How isn’t History useful? It’s one of the most popular majors for people going into law school (the end game plan). Once again the reason I am doing the minor in political science.</p>
<p>What am I lying about, please explain. Talk about lack of subtance haha. Not my fault I come from a family of doctors and lawyers I would wager every penny I have you come from a family of VERY moderately educated people. It’s so blatantly obvious with your clear grandiosity and belief that your choice to major in some overpopulated major that sounds worthwhile will guarantee you some success down the road, lol. People with parents who went to med school and law school, or have succeeded in other venues don’t think choosing some business related major for UNDERGRAD will garner them success, they know grad school is all that counts. God I wish I could see your face when you end up making 45k a year with a BA in econ haha. It would be so epic.</p>
<p>And hey, you now say you wouldn’t owe much more then the typical UCLA transfer student. Are you slipping up in your lies? rofl. Talk about being bad at this haha.</p>
<p>Let me help you:</p>
<p>A - You won’t owe a dime
B - You will owe money</p>
<p>Which is it? I put it in multiple choice form to make it easier for you.</p>