<p>You haven’t told us your plans about your future… Honestly though, you won’t be making 6 figures out of undergrad with a degree in Economics no matter which school you attend. UCLA has “networking” too, there are probably more alumnis from UCLA than USC working in Los Angeles if thats what you’re looking for… Overall I’d say both are equal in terms of job prospects if you plan to work straight out of UG. You’d be paying way less for UCLA than USC though, and you’re only going to stay at either schools for ~2 years…</p>
<p>Edit: I see that your plans is to get into law school. Then I say go to USC. Not because law schools take more USC grads (since they don’t give a ***** where you graduated from, or your major), but because privates generally do a lot of hand-holding which is a good thing. Also grading tends to be “easier” at USC than UCLA so you’d probably graduate with a higher GPA at USC. Good luck on the LSAT</p>
<p>Obviously I wouldn’t be paying way less if I decided to attend USC buddy.</p>
<p>Wow grind, you really are a debbie downer. Anyhow, you weren’t even accepted to UCLA so you’ve created this thread in hopes that people will convince you USC>UCLA so you won’t feel so bad.</p>
<p>Obviously I was accepted that’s why I created this thread. Supa = genius?</p>
<p>I am not funny because I don’t agree with you? lol.</p>
<p>I stand by what I said as well. Going to USC offers you no more networking than UCLA. How you perform and who you already know count way more. </p>
<p>Supa Ramga is dead on. People from USC try to tell themselves that USC gives them the networking advantage to feel better. I get it, I really do. </p>
<p>And is it true grind didn’t get into UCLA? If so…/thread</p>
<p>You are so dead on. Except it was me talking about I wanted to go to law school. I got a good laugh about easier grading and hand holding though lol. It’s so true.</p>
<p>I think Hijynx99 is mad because he chose history as his major. =[</p>
<p>Hyjnx it is true. He was on the appeals thread for awhile, complaining numerous times that he is still waiting for a decision. If he got in, he would have posted it on the thread. Furthermore, on the first page of this thread I asked him if he even got in off appeal; if you look at his response, you’ll notice he totally dodged the question.</p>
<p>Grind you are sad.</p>
<p>Dodged? Are you still mad because I said your major was one of the easiest to get into? No ones dodging anything. Is it that hard to figure out why I made this thread in the first place haha.</p>
<p>No, it’s not hard to figure out. You want some reassurance that USC is a good school, so that you won’t feel bad about being R E J E C T E D from UCLA, lol.</p>
<p>Grind keeps sending me PMs trying to trash on me for being a history major, it’s pretty funny. I think I hit a sore spot when I laughed at him for not getting into UCLA. I appreciate the info, Supa. It gave me quiet a good laugh.</p>
<p>Like I told Grind, only losers who haven’t accomplished anything and have been picked on their whole life thing majoring in some business relating thing like economics will bring about success. Most normal people don’t develop that sense of grandiosity. But don’t worry, he’s going to show them! haha.</p>
<p>Grind, you’re so full of it. First you try to trash me on getting accepted off appeal because your appeal was denied, but then you try to reassure yourself it’s okay because</p>
<p>Interesting, according to you only 2% of appeals go through. However, asking to be considered for a different major like Mathematics/Applied Science makes your chances A LOT higher huh???</p>
<p>Geez man, you can’t have it both ways. This is really sad and not worth my time. I’m done with you and this thread.</p>
<p>EDIT: And yes, you’ve managed to dodge the question TWICE now.</p>
<p>^ Trashing on you? I simply said that I fulfilled all the history requirements by completing IGETC. Obviously you must take it personally if that offends you haha. So childish.</p>
<p>Supa: Still upset still no doubt haha. To answer your second question, obviously it’s easier to get accepted on appeal if you apply to a major that’s not impacted. Do you really need me to explain that to you? Obviously I’m not a waste of your time if you feel the need to keep inputting your useless comments. Who bets that Supa comments again? I do!</p>
<p>I bet he comments again. Only a buffoon insults someone for responding to their ridiculous posts.</p>
<p>Lol you told me 100 times how majoring in history is so easy and it’s for people who can’t do something harder. I am sure lots of history majors would agree with you…<em>rolls eyes</em></p>
<p>I still think it’s awesome that you didn’t get into UCLA and are so pathetic you tried to make a thread to make yourself feel better about getting into USC haha. Dude that is like the epitome of pathetic. I am getting depressed just thinking about how you must have felt when you got rejected. It must have been doubly sad since I bet you told all your friends you were going to UCLA for economics and those years at CC would pay off, lol. Must have been filling to eat those words!</p>
<p>^ Didn’t get into UCLA :D</p>
<p>Bumping thread. No point in talking to in denial history majors haha.</p>
<p>No, I don’t care about your opinion and am not pointing out your lameness based on any of your pathetic ideals. I was pointing out your not being funny based off of the prior post–
<p>–which, like most of your other posts, attempt at humor via many sprinkled "lol"s. LOLOL<OL!</p>
<p>And to everyone thinking that USC and UCLA are on par in terms of networking, let us be serious. You’re not believing yourselves and you know it.</p>
<p>Hijynx, your stupidity shines bright, and I applaud you for displaying it with such pride. With all your lol’s and accusations of lacking reading comprehension. </p>
<p>Oh and
<p>Dead on? This person is dead on despite missing the foundation of your post. LOLOLOL.</p>
<p>EDIT: grind, stop posting this question here. You will only get ■■■■■■ and flamers. I hope you have enough sense to realize that this sub-forum is littered with UCLA kids, and you will never get an impartial answer, no matter how hard you try. Get off your @ss and do your own research. Peace.</p>
<p>/me. Bye.</p>
<p>I tend to litter my post with humorous tones because I know how butt hurt people get on forums and I don’t take this crap serious. </p>
<p>I am right about history and economics being similar in the sense the previous poster mention.</p>
<p>I do enjoy your idea that using “lol” is a sign of stupidity. However it doesn’t hold much water. You didn’t really disprove anything I said, just called it stupid.</p>
<p>Seph was dead on in his description of USC, however he just meshed together two people. That does not change the core ideas he mentioned.</p>
<p>I guess the lack of reading comprehension runs deep among USC students. As does this make believe idea USC is some superior ivory tower institution which opens doors that UCLA can’t. You kind of remind me of those Cal fanboys who will chose Cal over any other UC regardless of which actually suits them best, just for “prestige” and name recognition. Then they fight to the bone their choice and how it will make them a thoroughbred in the work arena. </p>
<p>Let’s face it, this dbag started this thread to make himself feel better about not getting into UCLA. He wanted reassurance that him going to USC was not only as good, but better than UCLA. Regardless of the fact he truly wanted to go to UCLA (hence the appeals thread). You can argue with me until your blue in the face, but the fact is if you don’t finish in the upper tier of your class you will not have all the doors opened to you. Unless of course you have personal connections. It is a joke to assume that someone who finishes mediocre in his class at USC will somehow have more connections than someone who finishes in the upper tier of their class at UCLA or Cal - and vice versa.</p>
<p>Get over yourself and your school, tool.</p>
<p>And Grind, I am not sure why you keep sending me messages, but it’s pretty pathetic L O L</p>