<p>Bump. No need to respond. =D</p>
<p>Still mad you didn’t get into UCLA? Or still trying to reassure yourself after being rejected? That’s why you have sent me 4 PMs in the last hour or two without me responding to any of them? Obsessed with me much? </p>
<p>Hell even your soon to be classmate things you are dumb for bumping (or even posting) this thread. Get a clue.</p>
<p>^ Bump/Ignore</p>
<p>Why are you bumping this thread for no reason?</p>
<p>Are you waiting for someone to tell you how amazing usc is and how much better off you will be if you graduate from there than from ucla?
ucla is higher ranked in usc for most things I’m aware of, but according to some usc offers “superior networking opportunities”. If you’re going to grad school who the hell cares anyway</p>
<p>Bump bump bump</p>
<p>Should I be worried that I went to the gym for 2 hours and came back to 3 new private messages saying “hm” ?</p>
<p>He’s all yours, grey.</p>
<p>^ Bump bump bump</p>
<p>this is pathetic…</p>
<p>@hyjinx… stop suggesting that everyone has problems with reading comprehension and grammar. it’s overly hypocritical… and besides that, i’m uncomfortable watching you fight so hard to make a fool of yourself.
seriously, point made. </p>
<p>@whoeversaid’alumnis’inapost… alumnus = singular ------ alumni = plural</p>