UCONN too hard vs. other schools

<p>My son was accepted into ACES at UConn, basically has to have a 3.4 GPA after first or second semester to get into ME school. I think this is a lot of pressure on a freshman. He did get into ME program at other schools, URI, Stonybrook, UVM, Wentworth, Roger Williams.</p>

<p>He really wants to go to UCONN, his first choice all along. Anyone know if the programs are that different and UCONN that much harder? Should he go to s school where he is already in the program and not have to "prove" himself during Freshman year?</p>

<p>Any input advice would be appreciated.</p>

<p>I feel your pain. But GPA 3.4 is also required in my school in order to graduate and/or transfer to other schools and/or doing Dual Degree Program. Such GPA is doable and lots of my friends have been able to get/maintain it including me. I personally believe that it is a weed-out system for Engineering School, etc.</p>

<p>UMass is similar–freshman S is “engineering–undeclared” unitl next year, pending on his freshman grades.</p>