My current choices are UCR and DVC I’m also on the waitlist to other schools. I’m highly considering to transfer to another school, but I still need to commit somewhere. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to a UC or a CC first, then to transfer? More specifically, is there a better transfer rate for each choice?

Much easier to transfer from a CC to a UC than a UC to UC transfer, since CC applicants will get priority. You can also use TAG for 6 of the 9 UC campuses: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/guarantee/

If you like UCR and can afford it - I would nudge you that direction. DVC is solid CC and, if you’d hate UCR or need to save the $ it is probably the right choice. If you choose a CC, you will need to earn your way back into a school of that caliber. TAG helps but, you have to maintain a strong GPA. It is probably doable but, you have another stressful application cycle ahead.
Pick the path that works for you.