UCs: please chance me

Location: Southern California
uw GPA: 3.87
w GPA: 4.54
capped GPA: 4.24
SAT: 1290 (CR: 670, M: 620) OMIT
ACT: 30 (E: 32, M: 34, R: 24, S: 31)
Side note: The first time I took the test I got a 35 on the reading and this time I got 24 (yikes) I’m going to retake ASAP so I know I can get higher but I was wondering if they look down on the fact that I did really well the first time but did bad the second time
AP classes: Euro (2), US History (4), Chemisty (4), Lang (4)
Rank: 13/965 (expected to go way up)
EC’s: Got an internship at Northrop Grumman for Cyber Security, 200+ hours at a local space center (teaching elementary schoolers robotics and 3D printing), I participate in SkillsUSA, won silver in a regional competition and elected by my peers, all through California to represent the state at Nationals as a State Officer. Started a sudoku Club at my school, founder and president (I like puzzles) and 3 year Varsity Golfer, we’ve won league title in 2016.
Intended major: chemistry or any physical science

Get your test scores up. With increased test scores, you increase your chances at UC berkeley and UCLA where the range is ~ 31-34.

Agree with the above poster- 30 is good, but see if you can reach 31-32.

Other than that, your profile looks strong. Your ECs are awesome! Northrop plus all those space volunteer hours? That’s uncommon and a hook all by itself. Very good ECs overall.

If you’re planning to go more physical science and less space, look at UC Davis. They’re quite good and quite science-y without being as competitive as LA or B. I think you look like a good fit for San Diego as well. Pick Irvine or Riverside as a safety- I’m not sure which one has the most resources in the sciences. I do know that Irvine publishes a lot of papers in the sciences, if that matters to you. I don’t know that Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz or Merced are particularly strong in either space and/or chem.

UCLA and UCB- may be on the reach side due to ACT
UCD and UCSD- good solid matches (optional: add UCSB here)
UCI and UCR- lite safeties.

Your GPA is solid but for the top UC’s, you need to bump up your test scores.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above (2016):

UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%

Also wanted to add: Although GPA is only one part of the UC application, intended major, EC’s, test scores and essays will all impact your chances.

@Gumbymom Thank you for taking your time to chance me, some SAT subject scores came out and I was wondering if you think they might help my chances. Chem-740 and Math1-700 (didn’t realize that they take 2 not 1, I need to retake) but how would the chem subject test look?

UC’s prefer Math 2 instead of Math 1, but a 700 is a good score along with your 740 Chem. They should help your chances but UCB recommends Math 2 so I suggest you consider taking it.

These are the recommendations for the UC’s and specific subject tests:
