UCs' senior year grades and transcripts?

I have already completed my UC application. I am new to this and don’t know what I should be doing after I submit them besides wait. Do UCs look at my Senior year grades? If so, do I have to send in my fall semester grades/transcripts before application evaluation? Or do I update my UC application after the fall semester ends? Thanks!

If you are admitted to and matriculate to a UC, it will want your final high school transcript to verify your previously reported in-progress courses and to check that you earned high enough grades in them (as stated in the conditions attached to your admission offer).

So I don’t have to do anything that’s required before application evaluation? (Unless they tell me to)

Correct. As far as UC’s are concerned, submit app and test scores and wait.

UC uses all “a-g” courses taken between the summer following 9th grade through the summer following 11th grade in calculating a student’s GPA. They do not use 12 grade grades as part of this, but as mentioned above will verify 12th grade work if admitted.