Demographics: Male, White, California, Public high top 50 school

Intended major(s): Pretty much pre-med

Academics: SAT: 1410/1600 Reading: 670 Math: 740

SAT MATH II: 740, SAT BIO E: 740

UW/W GPA: 3.9/4.6
UC no cap/cap: 4.2/4.1

Coursework: Physics 1(AP class offered year after I took it :frowning: ), Spanish 4AP(3), Eng Lang(4), Bio 2AP(5), Calc BC and AB (3). Also Physiology/Anatomy Honors in first year created. Taken STEM curriculum classes since 7th grade.

This year: Chem 2AP, Adv.Calc, Stat AP, Eng Lit AP.

Awards: National Merit Scholarship, Presidential Service Award (Gold and Silver so lots of community service), Multiple 4H Best of Show and Judge’s Choice for Marine Biology and Wildlife and Cooking competition meh.

Extracurriculars: 4H Chairman of Community Service (9-12), leader of Marine Biology and Wildlife Project(9-12), Co-leader this year of UAV group in school’s institution of technology (9-12), Cross Country and Track and Field on one of the best teams in the state(9-12), Science Olympiad (9-12), Soccer AYSO/Select (forever), Speech and Debate team (11-12), Vice president of Anime Club (11-12), SNHS, Kiwins, Veritas, Good Neighbors, NHS, CSF

Taking EMT program class at UCLA this January, will be able to work as EMT if I pass the NREMT next summer.

Specifically UCLA, UCI, UCSD, and UCB chances would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Pre-Med is not a major, just an intention so what major are you putting on the UC app?

Freshman admits with UC GPA if 3.80-4.19 for 2015::
UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

You look like a competitive applicant so it may come down to your personal insight questions. UCLA/UCB are always tough.

UCI looks like a solid Match.
Make sure you select a non-capped alternate major for UCSD if applying for a capped major as your first choice.

Good Luck and make sure you have 1-2 safeties.

I agree. LA and B are tough admits for all. Be sure to float aps to the other UCs, UCI, UCD, UCSC, UCSB, and UCR are all likely to accept you.

good luvk