What are my chances at the various UC's?

I am a senior and currently have a 4.04 weighted GPA and a 3.94 unweighted GPA.I have a low 1080 SAT score, but am trying to get a 1250+ score. I have 350+ hours of volunteer work at a local religious institution. I have been involved with Odyssey of the Mind for 2 years with both of them at state level. I have interned at UCSF over the summer. I am wondering what are my chances at the UC system. I am considering UC Davis, UC Irvine, and UC Merced but I am a little nervous to see if I get in.

SAT score is below the 25th percentile for all the UC’s except UC Merced. GPA however is within range for many of the UC’s including UCD/UCI and UCM.

What is your intended major? What is the breakdown of your SAT scores and have you considered taking the ACT instead? Any SAT subject test scores? HS course rigor?

Just based on UC GPA only:
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Here is the 25th and 75th percentiles for SAT scores:
UCI: 1190-1420
UCD: 1190-1430
UCR: 1090-1130
UCSC: 1170-1380

If you can get your SAT score around 1250 and depending upon intended major, UCI and UCD are possible. UCM looks like a solid Match/Low Match now. You might want to consider UC Santa Cruz and Riverside.

I am looking into becoming a physician, so I am wanting to get into a pre-med program. My SAT breakdown is 550 reading and 530 math. I have taken 2 AP classes and am currently taking 2, so 4 in total. The classes include APUSH, APWH, AP Bio, and AP American Gov.

Pre-Med is not a major but an intention. You can major in anything you want as long as you take the Medical school required courses. So what major are you considering? I edited my post above for more information.

Will you have taken any Chemistry and Physics? These are courses that are important to give you a good foundation in your college Chem and Physics which will be required for Medical school applications.

Oh, sorry, I misinterpreted your question. I am trying to major in Humanities.

Well, if you can bump up your SAT score into the mid-range of the UC’s of interest, then you should have a decent chance at an acceptance. As always with the UC’s, apply widely so you have several choices in the end.

I have taken a Chemistry class and Anatomy class at my high school. I also had a Biomedical internship with UCSF over the summer in which I performed medical research with allied medical professionals. I was also wondering what other universities should I consider?

I am assuming since you are targeting UC’s, you are a California resident??
You might want consider some top Cal States such as San Diego State, Cal State Long Beach, Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona possibly San Luis Obispo (if you can get your SAT scores up)

What is important for Medical school admissions, is getting a High GPA, a High MCAT score, accessibility of medically related EC’s such as MD shadowing, a good pre-professional advising program and school affordability.

Not sure about your financial situation but there are some out of state schools through the Western Undergrad exchange that may fit you.


Thank you for your help!

if you can get your SAT up to your target range - you will be a strong candidate for most of them. LA, SD and B will be reaches, D, CB and I will be a 60/40 proposition and the others will almost surely admit you.

I’d also apply to several CSUs and maybe a private or two, (LMU and USD?) Both may offer significant aid.

good luck.

By “CD” you mean UCSB? I hope I get into Davis or Irvine. Any other suggestions?

sorry, yes, that’s UCSB.
Honesty, with your current SAT, the mid tier UCs are pretty unlikely. Santa Cruz could go either way and i am pretty sure Riverside and Merced would take you. If you can’t bump it into your target range, SDSU, CPP and CSULB would be top CSU options.

How much SAT preparation did you do, and what type? When are you retaking it and are you doing significantly more prep this time?

I am studying for about 2 hours everyday and about 15 hours a week. I have been taking it in December and plan to get over 100 hours of prep time.

Any tips for prep? I have been using a prep book, Khan academy, and albert.io to try and help me prepare. Tutors are really expensive.

If you haven’t already, take timed practice tests at home in a quiet room with no interruptions. You should do well with all that prep time and some practice tests.

IMHO. that is way too much time spent on test prep. You should already basically know the material, right? I’d do a couple of hours a week, and focus on the timed practice tests.

Thanks. I just want to guarantee a good score.

that’s a lot of eggs in one basket… you are going to drive yourself nuts taking multi choice practice tests, and it certainly won’t guarantee anything. honestly you’ll get diminishing returns with that many hours - and you should be soaking in all the fun that is Sr year.

I know, I’m just a little worried. UC Davis is my dream school to attend. What score do you believe I should aim for?