UCSB Fall 2016 Transfer Thread

I was accepted earlier this week, but I never received an email! I just checked my portal.

Did everyone else get emails??

Accepted, but no email either. @soster

Maybe it’s because I’m 37 and a crusty veteran, but the concept of spending $70 to apply and then having to check yourself to see if you’ve been accepted sort of irks me.

Are the earliest decisions based on application strength or order of application submission?

I’m thinking strength.

I called and asked admissions and they said the earliest decisions were not related to strength but I can’t know if they’re being honest. My GPA is 3.96, I filled all of my ECs and volunteer slots with leadership positions and I finished IGETC last quarter and my final major requirement this quarter. I’m still pending, so if it is strength then I find it odd.

Yea I doubt it has a lot to do with strength…I don’t think there is a specific reason to who gets notified first and who gets notified last. I am a Comm Major with a 3.96 and got admitted yesterday, but I’ve seen other applicants with 3.1-3.5 get accepted on the first day. Maybe it has to do with when you submitted your application??

Could it be that the admissions department people just randomly get applications like in a randomized draw?

@Mike2011 Probably not. I submitted my application a week before the original deadline in November and I have a 4.0

I submitted mine November first. And did the tau the day it was available. Others in my class with a 3.8 and 4.0 got admitted the first day

And looking at who was admitted these days, they had some pretty beefy stats. Idk maybe it’s random but I have a feeling they are saving the iffy ones for later when they have less slots open and require more consideration. I’m an iffy candidate myself :confused: but most people who were admitted have gpas on the better half of 3.5


Major: Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 4.0
Prereqs: Finishing up by the end of spring.

Just checked. Decision posted sometime between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. today.

Wish everyone the best.

Accepted into Economics and Accounting. Overall GPA 3.3 ish, but 4.0 in the CCC system after a 14 year break and military service. Pretty stoked about this one. It’ll be a tough call between SJSU and UCSB.

When did you get in dude?

Are any english majors hearing back? or any humanities?

I just checked financial aid only to receive this message “My Aid Status is currently down for maintenance.”. Will we perhaps be seeing aid offers this early?

I think so Cheolf I mean with UCR they gave me my financial aid package the day after my acceptance. Soooo yeah idk maybe it’s just UCR .-.

@uchopeful414 Did you accept the aid package for UCR? Or do u only accept it if you’re 100% certain you’re going to get accepted? From what I know you have a few weeks to accept/decline right? What if you have to wait for UCSB?


Major: Econ & Acctg

GPA: 3.82

UC-UC transfer


Well I contacted UCR. They told me I can sir and accept my financial aid. They said my acceptance of these two things are not binding at it just secures my aid for IF I do plan to stay. I actually accepted my aid before I SIRd. So pretty much I just got the ball rolling with UCR to just make sure all is well given SB and Davis deny me.
So pretty much you can accept aid without an SIR. Just in case you are unsure.