UCSB Fall 2016 Transfer Thread

@adonisb Yeah. Philosophy here.

Major: Applied for pre-bio, granted pre-biopsych (2nd choice)
GPA: 3.14
EC: worked in doctor’s office for 3 years, volunteer at animal shelter
CCC - UC Transfer
Pending: UCSC, UCD (TAG accepted for bio but fell short of GPA requirement)

I was really stressing about my low GPA and it worked out ok for me. Wanted to post this to give people hope. :slight_smile: Waiting to hear from my first choice UCD tho.

@UnderN3rd Congrats! I’m the same major as you and have a similar GPA… What was your major GPA if you don’t mind me asking?

@uchopeful414 I got in sometime between 3pm and 6pm. Checked as I was leaving work, still pending. Checked right before calc class, got in.

Congrats dude

Does anyone know how long we can expect to see My Aid Status “under maintenance”? Are we talking a day, days, weeks, etc? I don’t want to be incessantly checking @-)

I hope it’s not long, just as @uchopeful414 noted in regard to Riverside!

Congrats!!!Same major!!! I’m uc-uc transfer too and just admitted


Does anyone know how committing now vs. the end of May would affect your options for housing and all that?

my son found out yesterday sometime he was accepted! Pre-psychology/brain science major. I don’t know his stats. He was also approved for UCD TAG last Fall but hasn’t received any official notice of acceptance from them yet. Still pending: UCD (TAG approved), UCSD, UCSC, UCLA

@Cheolf Mine still says it’s under maintenance, too. I’m assuming it’s probably going to be a couple of days, but I don’t actually know, lol.

It won’t affect you in anyway of actually getting housing. Preferred housing however comes to those who are quick on the draw, so if you want to get preferred housing, you need to be on the wait list. Can’t get on the wait list without the SIR

@med97student @uchopeful414 I actually just spoke with UCSB housing today. There is no first come first serve list. In fact, all transfer are guaranteed a spot and you rank your preferences on where you want to live. Slots are actually decided via a lottery, so it does not matter if you get your name on the list first vs later.

Wow. That’s interesting. And seems kind of stupid actually. But what doesn’t make sense is why have a lottery system and a preference system? Seems a bit redundant to have the preference if it’s just going to be up to chance anyway.
My mistake. I made my assumption off my experience with UCR. They have a preference system as well as wait list, which accommodates your preference in accordance with your spot on the wait list.

Thanks so much for the quick and thorough response. I know I will be guaranteed a spot in a residence hall, I just have a strong preference. Good to know they use the lottery system. Now I can wait to hear back from other colleges!

*I’m aware that I might not be guaranteed a residence hall, maybe an apartment.

Screw the residence halls. That’s for lame freshmen.

Or the transfer students who don’t want to go get wasted every weekend. San Rafael is meant for transfers. And Manzanita Village is a mix of upper and lower classman.

Idk I guess I just associate dorm living with kids fresh out of high school. Me personally, couldn’t stand living in a place where I don’t have my own toilet and kitchen

Well if you live in an apartment you won’t. You will still share a bathroom and kitchen lol