Ucsb or csu's

<p>Im majoring in business econ and im applying to ucsb but i need back up schools incase ucsb doesnt accept me... So wat csu's are good for a business major??? Does anyone know the requirements for usc???</p>

<p>sdsu, sjsu</p>

<p>usc reqs are pretty much the same as uc’s. the ge is slightly difference and no igetc</p>

<p>Would my chances be better at ucsb or ucs?(im transferring from a cc) which one would be best for the biz major</p>

<p>csuf is very good for business.</p>

<p>If you want more opinions, you would be better off posting this in the UC Transfer subforum.</p>

<p>obviously your chances will be better at CSU’s</p>

<p>ucsb would be the top choice though</p>

<p>also SFSU is decent</p>