UCSB RMP vs Kenyon + research over the summer

so i’m in a dilemma rn between going to UCSB RMP and Kenyon Young Writers’ Workshop and doing research with a local professor. my profile is currently really STEM-oriented, so I’m trying to begin creative writing as a way to balance it out (I’m looking to apply to IYWS next year as well, so I think going to Kenyon would help me get into IYWS). I already have offers from cold emails, so that’s an open option with Kenyon. Any thoughts on what I should do? Also, would it be reasonable to go to RMP and then do research with local professors as well? And do you guys think RMP would let me skip a week in the beginning (to attend Kenyon Online) or the last 2 weeks (to attend Kenyon Residential)?

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im a rising junior btw

This sounds really complicated. Why not pick one, and spend the rest of the summer working (restaurants are REALLY hurting for employees right now, ditto for lifeguards) and doing something that’s not a structured program?

Don’t start a program trying to skip… that benefits nobody.

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i don’t think RMP allows you to skip any weeks. i had this same problem (got accepted into both Kenyon and RMP) and i ultimately chose RMP because of the research opportunities. i wish i could’ve done both though :’)

I would personally recommend doing local research and Kenyon instead of RMP – it would probably be a better experience.

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I’m going to assume based on your replies that you’re doing Session II, in which case KYWW would not be the best for skipping. RMP probably will present its research at the end of the summer. Do you really want to skip some of the most valuable moments??

I vote Kenyon + local research. Local research is also probably cheaper.