My Fall grade came out, I end up getting a C in Calc 3 instead of a B that I thought I would get.
Also instead of an A, I got a B in my Data Structure. (I think is a mistake or I just failed my final badly)
As of now, Im standing at 3.189. Which doesnt meet the requirement for UCSB tag.
I emailed my professor about my grade detail, and hopefully they will change my grade.
In the best case scenario, if one of the professor change my final grade, it will raise my GPA to around 3.22. And that fulfills UCSB tag requirement.</p>
<p>In the worst case scenario, I keep my current gpa (3.189) and continue as a regular applicant. </p>
<p>My question is what are my chances if I continue as a regular applicant with this gpa?
My TAG major is mathematical science.
Im done with IGETC, and will finish pre req in spring.
No EC, but did intern in a computer company last summer since Im originally a computer science major.</p>
<p>I also applied to Davis, Irvine and thinking Riverside as backup. Would like to hear my chances on those too.</p>
<p>Thank you!!</p>
riverside and irvine are guranteed, davis is like a 60% depends on what major you applied as. dont think you can get into SB without the tag tho
3.1 is below their average
welcome to my world… I was originally going to use TAG but because I didn’t complete my math course by Fall and taking it this semester in Spring I had to apply as a normal candidate. I also have U-Link to UCSD but because of my math problem I am not sure if it is still valid. The contract I signed did not mention anything about taking math by Fall so I am hoping it is still valid. Waiting is the worst so I wish us both luck as normal candidates 
Ah man, really really really try to stay in TAG. You are so close. Do whatever you can. Maybe impress upon them that you got Iino TAG and now it’s all shot to hell. If they’re nice, they might give you a break. If you could get both to go up even a little, instead of one going up a lot more. Better odds.
you think irvine is guaranteed? since the TAG requiredment for irvine is higher than SB, I assumed they are harder to get in.
I applied to Davis as CS, and Mathematical and Scientific Computation as alternative.
hopefully you have a better gpa than me. Originally I thought SB would be my backup… sad…
My math professor just email me and he said he would be glad to go over my scores and finals.
hopefully, after telling him my tag situation, he would give me a break.
On the other hand, my Data Structure professor still havent return my email yet. And he is not teaching until late February.