I have been admitted to UCSB, UCD, and Cal Poly SLO!
UCSB: Economics
UCD: Economics
Cal Poly SLO: Business Administrations-Marketing
Which school is ranked higher or has a better reputation? I have done some research, but have found contradicting results. I would love to go to any of these schools, but want to choose the one that will give me the best chance to succeed in life. The reputation of the school is very important to me, as sometimes jobs will select a candidate with a more impressive university! Also if you have any information about my selected programs/majors at these schools, please comment anything! I honestly need all the advice I can get! Thank you so much!
If you were comparing recruiting or resume response rate at Stanford to one of these, maybe. But between these three, you are simply imagining differences that don’t exist.
What’s going to matter to your future is how well you do in school, whether you get to know some profs so you can get strong recs, leadership in campus clubs, and (very important) if you take part in coop or internships.
I’m actually dealing with a very similar situation with SLO,UCSC, UCSB, and Soka. In the same major too. So i just want to offer a piece of advice that was given to me by a teacher. So basically a lot of people get stuck on the UC title when considering their college options and although the title would definitely help you if you came from either UCLA or UC Berkeley, coming from the other UC’s won’t significantly help or hurt you when looking for a job. In SLO you’d more than likely have the skills to go directly into a job in your major. UC’s could help you prepare for further education. You have to consider the money aspect as well, CP being significantly cheaper. Lastly check the campuses out, talk to actual students there about the classes, parties, teachers, dorms, anything really. In the end a degree from any of these colleges would increase your chances at obtaining a job. Congrats on being admitted to a UC which is great in general, and for being admitted into one of the best CSUs. Hope you have a great time in college